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Cherry on Top

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Everything posted by Cherry on Top

  1. I hope it's a collaboration with a different producer, rather than another singer. On her records, I'd prefer to listen to her voice only.
  2. I wouldn't be able to tell you about that. To me, it doesn't matter who decided it. I love all the songs included.
  3. If she never releases them I'm not going to be crying about it. As long as she keeps making music, she can release whatever she wants and I'll buy it. I only stated my opinion on why I would prefer an official release of some of her leaked songs. By the way, "Black Beauty" is probably one of her best songs ever in my opinion, so I'm glad she decided to include it in the deluxe version.
  4. Because some people (myself included) prefer an official release. I'm not a fan of lossy digital music and I prefer to have my music in cd format. Then if I want digital, I can make a lossless copy of it. I wouldn't call leaked songs "material we already have", plus most of the people who are going to buy her next album have probably not heard those.
  5. I love the "Honeymoon" album as a whole but to make it as good as "Ultraviolence" I would replace the following songs (which are my least favourite ones): "Music to Watch Boys To", "Freak" and "Art Deco".
  6. I know I'll enjoy whatever she gives us but if I could choose then it would be something dark like "Ultraviolence". I love that 70's rock sound with lots of drums and there's something special about the way her voice resonates and echoes in that album. On the other hand I wouldn't mind if she released something along the lines of "Honeymoon". I also enjoy more upbeat tracks like "Off to the Races" from the "Born to Die" album. Whatever she goes for, I'd prefer it if it was kept within a certain style (concept album) instead of going for different sounds. Finally, it would be wonderful if she gave us the new album along with a physical release of her debut album (aka Lizzy Grant)!
  7. Thanks for clarifying. Hopefully we'll get some sort of complete lyric book in future.
  8. I wouldn't mind if we get another "Honeymoon". I think that's an incredible album to be honest. Definitely not a "sleeper" like some are saying. Not if you're into the same kind of music she likes doing. It would be worse if she started doing more upbeat music for the sake of selling more records. I also love it how her albums in general are very "homogeneous" in terms of sound. I hate it when I'm listening to an album and all of a sudden the mood is killed by some song that sounds totally different . If I wanted to listen to a different sound then I would prefer to put on a different cd. The most genuine artists are those who stick to a certain sound and don't try to change their style too much, in my opinion. Unfortunately, nowadays talent shows on tv and such are promoting the idea that you have to be "diverse" and be able to sing "anything" to be a good singer.
  9. Too difficult to just pick one. I won't include anything from before "Born to Die" as I haven't heard all of them. Born to Die: Off to the Races, Dark Paradise, Million Dollar Man. Ultraviolence: Cruel World, Shades of Cool, Pretty When You Cry, Black Beauty. Honeymoon: Terrence Loves You, God Knows I Tried, The Blackest Day. Even though I love the "Paradise" songs, none of them really strikes me like the ones above, which are unbelievably good to me. Overall, my favourite album is Ultraviolence.
  10. I don't think banning refugees from entering countries is a solution, as this would go against the basic human rights of these people, who are only trying to escape war zones. Obviously, terrorists are going to take this opportunity to come and pretend they're also refugees, but that doesn't mean the doors should be closed to everybody else who is genuine. As an immediate measure more checks should be implemented when dealing with refugees to avoid the infiltration of terrorists. Totally closing the doors and borders is just plain selfish and cruel. What governments should really do in the medium and long term is to look at the real root of the problem: Intervening in these conflict areas for the sake of their own national interests. For as long as this goes on, terrorism is going to be a big problem. The media tends to focus on the effects and don't look at what the real causes are. It is very easy to blame it on a religion or a group of people. It all reminds me of Germany before the war, when everything was being blamed on the Jews... and look at what happened. As someone else said, this is not about downplaying the severity of what has been happening but we also have to put things into perspective. Nearly every day you can hear of terrorists attacks in the Middle East or even Africa, that are far worse than those happening in Europe. Nobody seems to care.
  11. Does anybody know if the above lyric book includes ALL lyrics from "Honeymoon" and "Ultraviolence"? I want to buy it but I've seen a couple reviews of it on YouTube and it doesn't seem to include all lyrics (some song titles appear to show only a paragraph). Is that correct? Lyrics from "Born to Die" and "Paradise" seem to be complete, but you get them with the album anyway.
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