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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Ride - 18 Cola - 52 Bel Air - 58 @ the elimination of gods & monsters btw
  2. http://askgaz.tumblr.com/page/1 oh gaz
  3. Mileena


    i find creepypasta really entertaining. the only one that actually scared me was smile dog, the image of that dog looking all demonic stuck in my head for over a year. but i don't like dogs that much anyway.
  4. Mileena


    i thought it was kind of lame tbh
  5. Mileena


    i'm obsessed with them so much, does anyone else like them? if so what are your favourites, and what would you recommend? my favourites are: smile dog (my ultimate favourite) candle cove majora's mask (lengthy, but good) psychosis
  6. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    i remember connor, he was such a sweetie. i'd spoke to him before on the forums and lots of people had shaved their heads for him. i actually cried the other day over it and my thoughts are with his family and alice and ethan. it's so horrible and unfair since he was such a nice guy as well. he taught me loads of stuff about crystal castles and linked me to shit tonnes of unreleased songs:/
  7. aw i am quite shy actually, and yes i am so self conscious, i just act like i'm confident because then people won't take the piss or anything. and aw thank you! you're not so bad yourself
  8. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    seriously? good job i didn't go then!
  9. Mileena

    Invader ZIM

    gaz was so much cooler than gir tbh. i think she should of had more screen time instead of being treated like a background character. besides, her and zim would be the greatest world-ending couple ever
  10. Mileena

    Invader ZIM

    no one can appreciate zim's awesomeness.
  11. Mileena

    Billie Holiday

    how did i know you'd love jazz? i adore jazz too, although i don't look like the type of person who does aha.
  12. Mileena


    mission & saima are beautiful.
  13. good point actually! and yep, that way no one can forget the tickets(:
  14. Mileena

    Billie Holiday

    Can't believe no one has made a topic for the Queen.
  15. there's been some speculation about this. apparently it's axl rose husband, but who knows anymore?
  16. i imagine a guy with a massive vinyl collection who just hangs out with his cat ahaha.
  17. i wish we just knew all the dates to her songs, it'd make it easier. i don't think it's any older than diet mtn dew (but i'm still thinking it's 2011).
  18. i'm not going to lie, i'm the most disappointed i think i've ever been - but hey, they'll be back again next year i'm sure. thank you! we have the tickets taped to our front door
  19. mum took me back 'cause she insisted we wouldn't be able to get in. it sucked tbh but hey i'm seeing lana next year
  20. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    that'd be weird if we were though aw thank you, i'll get over it. it's not like they're going to stop touring, besides, those tickets are something to add to my collection i suppose:L
  21. good luck on meeting her! just don't forget your tickets like i did with the crystal castles gig today aha!
  22. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    well i live in worthing, but it's really close to brighton(:
  23. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    aw thanks. we actually have the tickets blu-tacked to out front door even though the lana gig isn't until the 24th may next year aha! ;D and i'm sure cc will be here again next year, we'll stay in a hotel then and it'll be better.
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