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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. goodio(: haha, you're so nice! i'm just like 'right, this person's a waste of skin, avoid them like the plague' - but it does take a lot for me to think that. btw, do you really live in mauritius? my dad's half mauritian(is that how you spell it? argh, i sound so ignorant!).
  2. okay, that's good! i'm super tired so i've been even bitchier than usual. at least you weren't all like 'erhmegerd cc's a bitchface' ;D
  3. Madrigal (sorry, i would address you by your name, but i don't know it), sorry if i came across as rude, i wasn't trying to be ahaha.
  4. can't stand florence at all, sorry. i find her music incredibly dull and boring, and to me, it all sounds the same. well done del rey, beautiful as always. are you sure you're even a lana del rey fan?
  5. that's not what i meant at all, i mean from a biological point of view, as in having fat to protect the ueotrus(sp?) and having boobs for the baby. and i like curvy ladies, that's all. sorry if i caused anyone offence, but it's not what i meant at all.
  6. LOL. she definitely doesn't look pregnant! it was funny lighting on the other picture before anyway.
  7. one of my nighties is like that, i look pregnant and i'm definitely not fat at all lol.
  8. did i fuck it up? oops...i'm not good at this kind of thing k
  9. yes, because mtv have the god given right to judge everyone with their trashy tv shows.
  10. i'm pretty sure it's the dress, and it's a side pic too, side pics are never flattering. i have a dress like that which makes me look bigger, and i'm about lana's size too.
  11. i'm sorry for blowing up, but it really pisses me off. she's a musician, idc what she looks like, and i'd still do her. she doesn't even look pregnant at all, women are meant to be curvy, not like sticks.
  12. ugh, why are people so judgmental!? she doesn't look 'old', and even if she does look worn, she works incredibly hard. i'm 14 and i get bags under my eyes sometimes. and she doesn't look pregnant imho either, she looks like a healthy woman...
  13. walk into school indecent for 2 minutes, it's only 2 minutes...but then again, what if it was winter? *shivers* wyr get kicked in the face by alice glass or get bitch slapped by lana?
  14. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    i love transgender too, the begining is all woozy, i dig that oh yeah, i tried to learn the lyrics to air war. i got to steelyringing and couldn't do anymore
  15. for having a signature that reminds me of instagram
  16. Gods & Monsters, lolalitahey, Crystal Castles, Cleopatra, James19709, Arzi, SitarHero, Lana Del Rey, National Anthem, Matt, Arekisandoria, Gods & Monsters, SitarHero, Hello Heaven, SitarHero, SitarHero, Crystal Castles
  17. i don't give a fuck about awards, grammys, whatever. as long as i like the music, idc about anyone else's opinions.
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