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Everything posted by Quadrophenia

  1. I posted this in that mike mizrahi thread but I feel it'd be more appropriate here. So I did some research, and though this may not be associated with this thread, I believe that the Rex arrow film Lana was in is 'Invisible Cities'. In that picture Rex arrow, who's real name is Ian Wolfson, posted, the caption reads the man's name as John, and according to imdb the only actor named John used in a Rex arrow film is a John rectenwald. There are a couple of trailers for 'invisible cities' on YouTube, and though its clear that it is the same John as in the picture, it is just a trailer so it's unclear whether or not that Lizzy is in it. If she is, it must be a small part. Hopefully someone who's better at sleuthing than I can look into this further.
  2. So I did some research, and though this may not be associated with this thread, I believe that the Rex arrow film Lana was in is 'Invisible Cities'. In that picture Rex arrow, who's real name is Ian Wolfson, posted, the caption reads the man's name as John, and according to imdb the only actor named John used in a Rex arrow film is a John rectenwald. There are a couple of trailers for 'invisible cities' on YouTube, and though its clear that it is the same John as in the picture, it is just a trailer so it's unclear whether or not that Lizzy is in it. If she is, it must be a small part.
  3. Hey here's a fun thought for you all, though 'blue velvet' isn't her original song, I wonder if lana had any particular lady in mind while she sang it. I'd like to think it was her (aka chuck's sister, no wonder they thought it was her in that photoshoot): http://www.anastasiasteeleandchristiangrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/jennifer-lawrence.jpg "Bluer than velvet were her eyes". Any other suggestions? It's like a game. Have fun.
  4. I believe she was Rob Grant's secratary when they met, according to one of those domain sites.
  5. So reality shows, yeah that's gonna happen,I mean if you make a show based on a normal american family no one would watch it because of how boring it would be, so of course they're going to find awful non average people to film for entertainment, but now let's think about the other millions of people in this country that aren't fake and dont have plastic surgery and what not. I'm from a state called Wyoming, and in case you didn't know, that is the exact opposite of Hollywood. there are more ranchers than fame feinds, my town is full of people who like to ski or take hikes and not go to the tanning bed or pageants in fact there are more deer in this town than there are people in this entire state. Thats how the majority of most states are. There's a lot of people in between New York and California, I really wish you would take the effort to know the few things you see about this country on reality tv isn't the whole country, the number of average people completely out weighs the number of the "fakes". Even then not everyone in CA and NY are plastic and shallow. Sorry I'm ranting but what you said would sort of be the equivalent of me thinking most people in Germany must be nazis just because the only movies/tv I've seen on Germany are about the nazi occupations, when in reality you and I both know they're not. Try taking a trip here sometime, to Colorado or Maine or Hawaii or another state like that, hell, even New York and California. You'll be surprised when you don't see any honey boo boos or Kardashians walking around.
  6. I just hear someone from New York having a rough day
  7. Brigitte sings the moi Je Jou part of the song (that's the sample) but the bridge of the song that's also in French (that ends with ooh lets play) is princess superstar
  8. Oh god, I saw this and actually took screenshots of it myself, what a dumbass, then they had the nerve to claim they were the ones that "made the phone call to interscope"
  9. Oh that's real funny, I haven't been around the block completely yet, let me dream.
  10. Beautiful you found it! Im gunning for some sort of interview with her friends, sort of like in the jump video. Anyway Whoever made this gif has to have/ know where the video is. I must find them.
  11. But knowing her class president is just another way of her saying teacher, without really saying it. She loves her some presidential figures and grown ass men. I'm thinking its just another nickname for leader of the classroom, not its literal definition of a student who's in charge of his grade's recreational activities.
  12. I realize that theory sets everyone back at least 300 hundred years into the forum, but its just an idea to go along with all these sudden realizations that Mike was a side show relationship and Arthur has been a bigger part of this then we realize. I too believe that her relationship with reeve was just a friendship, specifically because of chuck's relationship with him now. I don't think she would remain friends with one of her sister's ex-lovers, that would be way too awkward for everyone.
  13. You guys... What if AKA was about one guy, Jimmy perhaps, and BTD is about another, like Arthur, We've seen interviews where she claims BTD is about "the same goddamn person.." and she just seems too sincere in how she talks about it to be lying. What if this whole time each of her albums are about different guys and her escapades with them. I mean some of these albums were supposedly written before she met a particular so and so, I just feel she would be more organized and inthralled about a certain relationship than "okay this song is about blah and then this one can be about derp". Sure some may contain small details that may be pointing to a particular guy, but things like heavy metal and drugs and traveling seems to be something they all have in common anyway. very vague I know, but think about it.
  14. http://misslanadelrey.tumblr.com/post/45104430787 Where is this from?
  15. I saw a gif once on tumblr of her with her platinum hair and that blue and yellow scarf. It was just a little short one of her kind of smiling but I've never been able to find it again, I just wanted to know what that could have been from.
  16. I'm trying to think of the songs that got all my friends hooked on them, Try: 'So American' 'The Sun' and 'People Say' or 'Got it All(this can't be living now)'
  17. O H HOHD THE SUN is my FaVORITE Song by them!!!
  18. Please tell me I'm not the only one here who knows about them, they've man handled my soul.
  19. Sin Fang- Walk with you Fleet Foxes- Blue Ridge Mountains Phantogram- When I'm small
  20. http://lolita-lanadelrey.tumblr.com/image/44766477078 Sorry I can't post the pictures, I'm on my phone.
  21. Quadrophenia

    In My Pants

    Elephant Gun in my pants...... :/
  22. 1. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Bel air 2. Will you ever get to heaven?: Body Electric 3. Song you dance to at your wedding: Gods and Monsters 4. This song contains the name of your first-born: Bad Disease(:/) 5.Song played at your funeral: Off to the Races 6. What do you want right now?: Blue Jeans 7.Song that describes your sex life: Yayo 8.How will you die?: National Anthem 9.Your life motto: Blue Velvet 10. What do you look for in a girl/guy?: Heart shaped Box (cover) 11.Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Jump 12.What people think of you: You can be the Boss 13. Where will you live?: Dark Paradise 14. What is your vice?: Aviation 15. What is the most important thing in your life? Lolita 16.Who do you look up to?: Summertime Sadness
  23. http://www.ukulele-tabs.com/uke-songs/Lana+Del+Rey-uke-tabs.html These are all chords people discovered not official ones, so some are gonna be a little different than others.
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