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Everything posted by Ryusei

  1. Rather than a joke I'd say "currently non-existant until I see a tracklist" (or hear the album in case some of these song names arent the actual song names/she changed them)
  2. Gonna listen to the snippets one last time before the release and then wait...
  3. I don't think 30th either cause Taylor's second week is most likely stronger than Lana's first since she'll actually promote her release (I suppose) 16th is the most likely one. If she announced the album after the festival dates are over it's just over 3 weeks until release which is an ok time-frame for some press coverage and no further promo (unless she surprises us lol)
  4. so... why are we expecting another song before the album exactly? Lana promoting this album will be her playing the songs in the background on insta with her hillsong baddies.
  5. alright she has been consistent, in june she said 2 months and now in july it's next month. I trust in the puta and guess she will wait with the official announcement until the last date is over so the 24th/25th really cant come soon enough.
  6. What's the thing with people screaming for radio is that a meme or smth? lol Also why out of all of her discography scream for that song? Or is it because of the sweet like cinnamon line. Everything is going over my head, lana killed my last brain cells
  7. But where is the info from. If you're gonna say the words insider, leaker, discord or last.fm don't bother replying.
  8. Ryusei

    Iggy Azalea

    Kash Doll to start with the obvious lol I love Doja Cat too.
  9. Ryusei

    Iggy Azalea

    Love the album so much.
  10. I really hope she'll announce it after the last festival date... I'm so tired of coming here with no actual news of anything but she got me in her grasp so tight that I fear I'm missing something if I don't come here all the time..
  11. You better not be faking this. Where is this from?
  12. Is this the first time we could see Lana in a frame with him together?
  13. Ryusei

    Dorian Electra

    Just listened to the album for the first time and I love it with the exception of Career boy that song couldnt be over fast enough...
  14. Ryusei


    https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/6azngz/sophie-debut-album-comes-with-a-butt-plug Nope LMAO I didn't even know of this. Would have been even better if you could sync it with the music. THAT would be an experience
  15. still.. she was all hype about her album and talked about it a lot and now there's nothing... which makes me think she scrapped it for something else. Anyways this is the caroline thread and I'm excited af about these 2 new songs
  16. Well by now we're closer to one month than 2 months. Not that that means anything
  17. She better acknowledge NFR tonight... But dam she knows how to shut the gays up thirst-trapping everyone. Jesus approves
  18. Hope she wont go all Rina on everyone and drop a few singles and then the album is still.. wherever
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