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Everything posted by TROPICUM

  1. well in that gropie love part i was screaming... i mean he has such a manly voice and just hearing him sing instead of rapping... idk it's so funny to me
  2. oh hell yeah boy we're back. cherry is the best song of lfl
  3. omg whattt i really hope it's not the case even tho it clicks perfectly with Cola or FMWUTTT.

    Do You Agree?

    yes but they're cute too Pugs > every other kind of breed?

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    no as brite lites Coven > Roanoke

    Do You Agree?

    Well, she's trash sometimes. Vainilla > Chocolate
  7. well we can ALL agree Brite Lites Demo is just trash compared to TNC or Cherry.
  8. Never. (i think lol) when was the last time you did something embarrassing?
  9. yeah but instead of like a twerk, a sexy slow dance omg yas
  10. you joined a month ago lol. bitch_sit_down_be_humble.mp3 -------------------------- Anyway leaving that sad try of trolling, Sean Lennon is so cute and pure and he does sings well so I won't tolerate any kind of slander.
  11. omfg i swear if this girl even thinks of deleting Yosemite... I'll cut a bitch
  12. exact representation of every time that something leaks
  13. here for Stargirl on a comic book. (inb4 they completely change Stargirl into someone that isn't Lana lol)
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