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Everything posted by TROPICUM

  1. keep thinking bitch bc it isn´t going to leak in at least 3 years
  2. wait, don't insult the masterpiece sirens.
  3. mess at me reading this back in the day and make me more hyped just so 5 min later the tracklist was leaked with no "yosemite" in it
  4. omg this is so me *without being beautiful ofc*
  5. meh is azealia banks. sha has a bop there and here but that's about it
  7. well for me this isn't like 'the worst' or something like that. It just kinda lame how Lana always kills her eras with waiting and such.
  8. Ok so, there was this Lana stan, who really, REALLY loved Lana. She had a Tumblr page, LB account, Twitter Stan Account, etc all the basics for a stan. So one day, she went to a karaoke and when this girl started singing... she realised she didn't had a horrible voice, not like a really good one right, but a decent one. So as soon as she got into her house, she grabbed her guitar and started writing... But something odd happened... ALL the songs and melodies she wrote were kinda similar as Lana songs. She couldn't help it... She was OBSESSED. She didn't cared and wrote until she fell asleep. When she woke up... her songs were uploaded to Youtube... and for her surprise, one of her songs went viral in the internet. She signed to a label and everything was fine, until she realised her OBSESSION with Lana wasn't over... She created an Album full of similar songs from BTD and was released... A song of hers becamed a hit... she was famous and had everything... but her concious never stopped torturing her, of how she defended Lana in those days from haters and imitators... and she became ONE. That girl is Halsey. They say, if your obsession with Lana Del Rey has gone too far, you become an imitator of her, trying to copy everything she does until you stop being yourself. Take care gays, or Ashley is comin for you.

    Do You Agree?

    Heck no Do you agree English accent >>>>>> American accent

    Do You Agree?

    omg yes Do you agree that having a friend doesn't mean you can manipulate them into things they don't like only because you're a jerk?
  11. Yeah! It's October I think it's reasonable to have a Ghost Stories thread!

    Do You Agree?

    well i needed some drama for my daily basis so is ok Do you agree that Argentina should be banned from America?
  13. 10, bitch slay me with that 2009 atmosphere
  14. @Roctab bitch are you clairvoyant or smthng?? http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/8635-lust-for-life-pre-release-thread/?p=506533
  15. is this some kind of shade towards me?!?!?!?! imma rip your face off bih also @you knowing the tea about the set list http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/8635-lust-for-life-pre-release-thread/?p=506166
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