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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Madrigal


    (Even more) Budding Stan Questions: 1. Is 'Memories' available in any higher quality than the really poor quality rip I have? o.O It's a great song, but kinda hard to listen to as I have it. 2. 'Feel' and 'Feeling' are different songs, right? Cuz I have 'Feeling,' but I had no idea the former was a separate track.
  2. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Your new signature...
  3. Madrigal


  4. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    No, they re-recorded it and sped it up, with new production...they talked in-depth about it in an interview with SPIN. Patrik produced the demo, but Style of Eye fixed up and changed it for them to release. Hey, they wanted it and Charli didn't. Nuff said. They are fantastic...I'm quite curious to see what their US release will be like. I already have their album from the European release, but with the release of 'Girlfriend' (which is also mostly written by someone else, that they shout over), maybe we'll get two separate debut albums! POST POST POST
  5. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    All that year info is nice, and most of it os right, but there are some without definite dates. Charli was very finicky about yploading her tracks; she'd upload one version of a song, take it down, and upload another one later. This is why it's VERY hard to pinpoint what year a song is from, let alone its producer...for example, there are at least two separate versions of 'Do It Well,' probably three, yet we don't even know which one the leaked version is! Similarly, 'Dinosaur Sex!' was posted to the Hype Machine in 2009, and that's where we have it from, but there's no way to tell when it was originally posted. And don't even get me started on the trafic mess of 'Valentine.'
  6. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    They've all been taken down. There used to be a 20 or so seconds long clip of her doing 'Jungle' in early 2011, but now even that's gone.
  7. Madrigal


    Gee whiz, I'm stupid. No, you can change your own member titles! I'm kinda tired r.n. ...sorry for the mix up. Here's where it is in your Settings, if you haven't found it yet:
  8. Madrigal


    I just started 'Royals,' and I'm already hooked. @@SitarHero, can you provide me with the links to everything there is? Yeah, she looks like a hag in that drawing.
  9. Madrigal


    On this one, all member name changes have to go through @. :/ I would help you myself if I could, but that's the only way. Love your new signature, b.t.w.
  10. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Just no. Ω_Ω I'm still skeptic. ~_~ Probz just a troll.
  11. Madrigal


    Same here! Even when I use her real name...
  12. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Sounds like a troll. What kind of loser would go to all the trouble to make up a title? Reminds me of 'Love Will Light the Way' - obviously, someone's just making it up.
  13. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Her! She used to have more up, but maybe not anymore...I'll check next time I make it to a computer. HEATHEN She did! Like I said before, I'll try to find them for you.
  14. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    NF&GS is not about a boyfriend - it's just about a friend of hers. They 'broke up', but eventually gog back together...she didn't give out the name of the friend, but she said so on her now nonexistant Bebo page.
  15. Madrigal


    Not as ~unique~ as PTGB, hopefully, though, right? 'Heartless' is by far the most accessible song she's released...I hope it charts big-time.
  16. The voices at the start of the snippet get me every time. <|3
  17. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    'Do It Well' belongs with the other MySpace demos - she posted them all herslef, but that one is much older than 'I'll Never Know,' which was sponsored by Red Bull. Also, a solo recording or demo of 'l Love lt' has yet to surface, but hopefully one will soon. :/
  18. Madrigal


    So mad "Get Down" got shelved...I don't even like T-Pain that much, but I think a collab between him and Amy would be intriguing, to say the least.
  19. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I would die if that's what it's like! Like a 'Live Life' pt. 2, with lyrics about Ecstacy and her highschool years of bitchy girls and qute boys.
  20. What a melodramatic hoe.
  21. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Yes, and "Lonely Jaguar!!!" Then we could get on with our lives. And @, pardon my ignorance, but what's a PSA?
  22. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Hai, i'm all about old songs leaking ("Pop Princess," where the fvck are you?!?), but I do more about new-er songs. Then again, if we've been teased with it, there's no better reason for it to leak, like "Mess." Labels never conplain about releasing songs that have already been performed live, do they?
  23. Guys, don't read too much into this. She never said that she lives ALL her leaked songs, only specifically 'Puppy Love.' Sitar, she said she loved 'Never Let Me Go' once too, right? I also remember Ahmed saying that she loves 'On Our Way,' but that one isn't really a leak.
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