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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Madrigal

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    My perspective on the album has grown more favourable with time, though I agree with most major publications that it's good - just not as good as some of their past work. :/ "Always" has especially grown in my estimation...it's such a cloudy, misty song. I also really liked the video, and definitely think it fit the song...glad they worked with the director again. It didn't have as much plot as I had hoped, but Karen totally rocks the mustard pantsuit.
  2. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    In the weeks leading up to the release of 'Super Ultra', some of you might remember that Charli was adamant that it would have ten songs, and though I'm not absolutely sure, I think she phrased it as if Mr. Million would handle production on more than just 'Cloud Aura'. We already have on of the other tracks the pair did together in 'What I Like', and now we have another one...I have a feeling this might've been on the mixtape originally, along with the 'The Killing Moon' cover she recorded, which was confirmed to be released in late 2012.
  3. You would...you should at least listen to their last (and possibly best, depending on whose side you take) album first, like I did. Also, this thread needs WAY more activity - if I've ever found one band that deserves to be called under-rated, it's these guys. So sad they're done for...still hoping for 'Rkives Vol II', though. Also, if there's one song Lana ever wrote that could be for another artist, it's "Velvet Crowbar"...I realized today that Jenny's voice would make it fantastic, and the lyrics are totally Rilo.
  4. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    The jumping, the screaming liveliness, the additional lyrics not in the remix...
  5. At least she isn't pulling a 'Harlem Shake' and showing deference to the original artist by not leaking her remix.
  6. I love Angel...even if the rhymes aren't ~perfect~, if we compare to the remix Azealia was feautured on, it can still absolutely hold its own (if the lyrics we have are indicative of her entire verse). I'm just sad Interscope passed up on it.
  7. I wondered, Jordan, about te lack of Jon's presence on the registered songs, at least...do we have any confirmed titles other than "Ghost"? I hope most, of not all the Ariel tracks make the album, because his songs with Charli and Vampire Weekend (both essentially whole albums' worth of his work) are absolutely stunning.
  8. Madrigal


    I completely agree, but I was afraid to be the first one to say it. I do lover her voice, her lyrics, her aesthetic....I'm really hoping she gets a little prettier as she grows older. Something about the lips... Still, she's prettier in pictures than in that disgusting EP cover.
  9. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Can someone find a picture of Patrik (Berger) and compare it to her last Instagram picture? I know he's Swedish...maybe they're re-recording "Mess".
  10. What's the second track? ? ?
  11. Madrigal


    So do I...here's the other one for "Tennis Court". Plain, but significantly more flattering. And @@SitarHero THE SHAME But she looks dead.
  12. Madrigal

    Azealia Banks

    Yeah, I know...I've read both Pitchfork and SPIN talk about how stupid it was, but I also watched Angel apologize for what happened. She never took the diss tracks down, though. Angel just seems like, as a general rule, a much nicer person than Azealia, especially on Twitter. And her Instagram... Let's not...I'm scarred for life just from clicking on her repulsive last.fm page.
  13. Madrigal

    Azealia Banks

    I would've by far preferred if Azealia had done a verse on "Cloud Aura" than that annoying stripper. Heck, I would almost rather preferred Chris Brown himself to have appeared on that song than Miss-Let-Me-Show-Off-My-Boobs Candy. She kinda did, and she certainly encouraged it. Then again, I would side with Angel on almost anything, but at least Angel apologized.
  14. Madrigal

    Azealia Banks

    Oh, I hope not...the Angel beef was so stupid. I know Charli performed at the Mermaid Ball or whatever it was called, but the fact that they are apparently friends strikes me as a bit off.
  15. No, HTBAHB was written shortly after that interview, leaving us with at least two unknown songs...perhaps "Die Life" and "Net Curtains"?
  16. You just like using that GIF, don't you?
  17. Madrigal


    She hasn't answered me yet, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that - regardless of authenticity - she isn't sharing.
  18. I haven't read a Marina interview in literally months, but this one was linked on the Wikipedia article for "Just Desserts". Am I the only one rather shocked that Marina had ever written a song for a rapper? I was starting to think she was the kind of artist just not interested in collaborating with other musicians, as a general rule, let alone someone from the Hip-Hop realm. I wonder what songs Charli was putting forth for them to work on...maybe "Interior"?
  19. Madrigal

    Kanye West

    SPIN did a fascinating run-down on every name in the credits, which was really helpful (especially as a new fan) to my understanding of the album and its creation. I wouldn't have seen the Daft Punk collaborations coming, just from listening to the songs they worked on. I'm really loving "Bound 2" right now. I mean, I literally laugh out loud when he's all "I wanna fuck you in the bathroom sink", but the way Charlie's vocals combine with the samples is just .
  20. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I think this might be by Charli, back when she was 17. Source
  21. This song strikes me as really appealing for some reason, and I can't put a finger on it. It's the the trailer for 'The To Do List' (which I desperately want to see, but probably never will), and something about the video has me entranced.
  22. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    1. Okay! How should we start...should we work in Word tables, and fill things out category by category? Like date, setlist, pictures, references, etc.? 2. Thank you so much. If you could get the video Jake mentioned....
  23. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    RECEIPTS!?!?!? Also, would someone like to help me make a huge index of her old live shows, almost like Evil did for Lizzy? I know there are a ton, but if I had someone else to work with, I bet we could get a lot done.
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