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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Madrigal


    Oh, I love CHVRCHES. They remind me of a more secular, less organic Purity Ring, and their music is so sparkly and beautiful...I really like every song but "ZVVL". "Gun" especially has grown on me a lot...when it first came out, I thought it was boring and simple, but now it just leaves me even more excited for the album this fall...is it really gonna be called "Lies"?
  2. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I don't want a new forum, I just wish we had the $$$ the make a whole, worthwhile Charli subforum, complete with Lyrics, Audio, and Discussion sections.
  3. Ha ha, this is exactly what I was going to say.
  4. Madrigal

    Regina Spektor

    Omigosh, I know. i hope she works with someone besides Mike Elizondo this time. Personally, I think she should do some more old-er songs, though I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment. 'Dulce et Decorum'? 'Prisoners'? 'The Clocks Were Asleep'? 'The Floor Heard Everything'? and, dare I say it....'You'?
  5. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I had no idea Marina tweeted her, but it makes sense....other than that, I have no idea where people even know about her. Is she even signed? I know Pitchfork reviewed 'Habits', but other than that, there's nothing about her anywhere. Didn't know that! She also helped with "We Got the World", which is one of my favourites...interestingly enough, so did Nicole Morier, a friend of Sky's who has recorded some of Sky's best (i.m.o.) unleaked songs for herself.
  6. Madrigal

    The Strokes

    Can't say I'm a big fan, or even a fan at all (), but I have a great respect for them and their work. Ironically, they or selected members from their group have intersected careers with a plentitude of other artists I enjoy...here's some of the many examples. They were one of the first acts (along with Kings of Leon) to really help propel Regina to stardom, back before she signed her first major deal with Sire. Their song together is really good, too...I think Julian & Regi's voices compliment one another surprisingly well. One of my favourite Indie Rock bands of all time, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, also toured with them, I'm pretty sure...they both emerged during roughly the same time period, from the same NY Rock scene. The Strokes' lyrics are very different, though, right? Less esoteric & arty, more down-to-earth? Nick Valensi has played on Regina's fantastic 2006 LP, Begin to Hope, on the song "Better", as well as Sia's 2010 We Are Born album. There was a time when Sia was actually working with him on material for her next album, including a song called "Hostage", but sadly, I have a feeling those sessions won't be released any time soon, if ever. Julian worked on a brilliant track with Santigold back in '08, for Converse's 100th(?) anniversary. It was promoted as a collaboration between him, Santi, and Pharrell, and is beyond doubt the best song to emerge from Converse's "Three Artists. One Song." campaign. I tried to get into one of their albums a long time ago, but just couldn't. Would you mind giving me about a ten song compilation, to try to like their music again? I remember that the same thing happened when I was the same age with Rilo Kiley, and now they're one of my favourite musicians ever.
  7. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    It was released as a three way collab - Charli XCX, Mercedes, MNEK. However, each artist further uploaded it on their own media platforms, so I'm not sure how many permutations of that combination might exist. Oooh, that would sound good.
  8. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Honestly, if she did a Marina song, it should be "Buy the Stars". As far as "Figure 8", that would be fascinating...their voices are so different, I'm sure it'd be worth a listen. Finally, anything but that MS MR song. "Salty Sweet" is, i.m.o., by far their best song, and a Charli version (probably) could only make it better...besides that, the only song I can easily imagine her covering by them is "Bones", but she already remixed it, without adding her own vocals. I recently started listening to a Swedish singer named Tove Lo, and if Charli would cover her wonderful song "Habits", I think it would (though I hate this word with a passion ) slay.
  9. What should I listen to as I mow the lawn?
  10. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

  11. Madrigal


    This is one of the ones that was once scrobbled, but no-one could find, right? This gives me hope that the rest of the Quiz & Larossi tracks will make the final cut, or at least "Causing a Commotion" and "Love TKO".
  12. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    She used to talk all the time about being a Santigold and M.I.A. fan - even though it's a bit of a stretch to imagine, I would love if she covered "Creator", "Boys", "L.E.S. Artistes", or "Bad Girls"...the more ~urban~ her covers, the better. She also used to be a big Kate Nash fan...hearing her cover "Skeleton Song" or maybe even "Foundations" would just be incredible. Honestly, though, she should just release HQ, studio versions of her best two covers, "The Killing Moon" and "Lonely Jaguar".
  13. Madrigal

    Azealia Banks

    Fine. Should I finish the whole thing of 'Fantasea'? Or just try to find more of the old songs, like 'Pornstar'? Yeah, well, Angel apologized months ago. That's fascinating! Azealia and Santigold are actually friends, and Trouble Andrew is Santi's husband...that would be pretty awesome if she made it onto the record as one of the collabs, or even if Andrew did in her place.
  14. Madrigal

    Azealia Banks

    @@SitarHero should be proud of me.
  15. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Whoa, didn't know that for sure! Thanks! Is that the same Owl as Sammy/noct0wl on Twitter? We've been friends for awhile, but we haven't talked for a bit aside from the occasional tweet. Oh, and b.t.w., I would kill for the full collection of "2010 Filezzzzz".
  16. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    "Like a G6" Appreciation Post Back in 2010, before Charli had even released "Stay Away", she collaborated with two other fellow London artists on a track, released to the internet as a Christmas gift of sorts for their fans. The other two artists are, at least age-wise, roughly her contemporaries; MNEK is a currently 18 year old producer and songwriter whose credits include songs with Little Mix, A*M*E, and Rudimental, and Mercedes is a singer/rapper who somehow still has not managed to attain the same level of fame as her peers on the track. For some reason, even though MNEK still releases the occasional "refix" to his SoundCloud account, all links to the song itself have been inexplicably deleted, including those on Charli's own + Mercedes' SoundCloud. Andrew, I'm not too sure it was ever on MySpace itself, but @@comeintomybedroom, don't worry, the version we have is naturally high quality. And here and here are original webpages documenting its existence...pretty sure it's on Charli's FaceBook page, but I don't wanna check. It makes me depressed. PS - After MNEK started his persistent ignoring of me whenever I ask him anything Charli-related (going so far as to delete a tweet where he said he hoped to one day share the songs they did together! ), I asked Mercedes about the video you can see in the second link, which has been deleted for a long time...she said it was of them recording & stuff, followed me, and then wouldn't answer further questions or a DM.
  17. Madrigal

    Regina Spektor

    Sadly, I don't think it's for a new album. It would appear that the new song - "You've Got Time" - is but a song for a soundtrack, but interestingly enough, it's for a Netflix Original! Wish it could've been for "Arrested Development" (), but this tweet would seem to imply that it's intended for the soundtrack...and it'll be up for download here in just two days!
  18. Madrigal

    Regina Spektor

    @@Guy I KNOW I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!! I'm going on a total Regina splurge this week...I haven't listened to so many of her songs in so long.
  19. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    no, 99% sure both are fakes...I've talked to people about them, and they've told me they're just fan-made versions.
  20. Madrigal

    Regina Spektor

    Omigosh...there's a clip of a new song posted, and there are a few tears coming out of my eyes just because I love her so much. Honestly, though, I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I don't think there will ever be a singer I just love as much as Regina. . .there's something about her, her life, and her music that just appeals to me on so many levels.
  21. How has no-one commented on this iconic reference yet?
  22. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    This is true. It is an educated guess, though...if it's not on whatever her next release is, guys, don't gang up on me and say I said something I didn't.
  23. Well, I don't think that she would say that, but then again, I think neither of us are going to change our minds...both 22 proud 2 back down frum tha battul. Maybe she could change her mind if she worked with Charli, but that won't erase her troubled past. What Angel songs did you listen to? You should've waited for the album, with that attitude of yours...she says it's gonna be far and above everything else she's done so far. Here are the Azealia songs I've listened to. I shall listen to three more, just for you. Oh, and I'm only in this thread for you, Mr. Hero...don't blow it.
  24. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I'm not trying to be judgemental, or be unfair about this (after all, I think trading in and of itself is ultimately futile), but this makes you come across not only entirely unscrupulous, but exactly the kind of person this forum tries hard to discourage. I'm not saying he's "right" for even offering to trade it, or that this ultimately might result in all of us getting to hear the song (which would, in a sense, be a favourable outcome), but I really can't believe you would not only behave this appallingly but then simultaneously post about it in this thread.
  25. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    It's exactly the same as the "original" version, without the intro...do you still need it?
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