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Everything posted by TIARNZUS

  1. What would you guys think of a real duet with Azealia?
  2. We've a huge update planned this weekend, until then there will be some minor changes. We'll be announcing something special on saturday too!
  3. You could maybe post about that
  4. I thought this was about me for a sec :lmao:
  5. We've added the new smilies! :legent:
  6. Visit: Lanaonline for more pictures She's attending the GQ awards tonight in London. More pictures to come.
  7. Thanks for you suggestions, we've deleted the 'news' and replaced it with 'lanaboards updates' - we'll keep charts and sales for a while, as it will be updated when her new album drops. Working on both of your mother suggestions. Keep them coming.
  8. I don't know anyone else in real life who like her :/

    iPhone 5

    Am i the only person *FREAKING* out about the iPhone 5??? For those who don't know, Apple are most likely announcing it next Wednesday at a press conference they have arranged. :D :D :D
  10. Yup! We're working on it, if anyone else wants to help: PM me.
  11. 3'5" Would you rather: Walk around in your underwear for a month. OR Walk around naked for a day.

    Book Thread!

    I really want to start reading, since i'll have a lot of free time this year. I'll be sure to keep checking this thread for peoples book suggestions.
  13. Thanks for the feedback everyone, we're currently working through your suggestions. Some are as easy as changing some settings in the admin panel, others may take more time so i ask that you should have patience with us, until we can get through all your suggestions. Thanks again! + Keep em' coming!
  14. :o :o :o I love Twilight? Yup! 3 is a lie <_< -_- -_-
  15. I have a knock-off Del Rey bag? 1) I've seen Lady Gaga live 4 time 2) I <3 McDonalds 3) I hate puppys
  16. Nat King Cole - Autumn Leaves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kP8jPa1wCg
  17. Cliché, but this is my favourite song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR5YteaRtuc + this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lKwXwU5iWs
  18. I'm leaning towards the end of September / Early October.
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