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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. This is so true. She likes to cry about being exhausted and wanting to stop but she never does. Thank God.
  2. Creyk


    American Life contains the best song of her entire carreer: Nothing Fails Put some respekt on ha name!
  3. brah where is da musique
  4. Creyk

    Melanie Martinez

    Why is lunchbox friends the best song the second shortest noooo
  5. Creyk

    Taylor Swift

    Blank Space really is not all THAT but because of the lyrics it managed to be a great success
  6. Creyk


    It was in 2012, back then this "I am reaching for any, literally any reason to be offended" mentality was not as widespread as it is nowadays, like people on this page are doing already.
  7. Creyk

    Taylor Swift

    Well then it's time to stop getting excited. I have been checking the web every couple of hours after yesterday's news but realistically It shouldn't come before Thursday. Taylor's team is usually on top of things like this. I experienced the leaking of 1989 live on Twitter were you guys here for that? Good times.
  8. Right? We for the past 1 year on Lana's instagram: CINNAMON! GIVE US CINNAMON! CINNAMOOONNNN!!!!!!! While Lana was probably thinking shut up you little fuckers I already gave you the whole song in snippets are you never satisfied
  9. I think it's too early to rank the album overall compared to the others yet. We have to see how it ages, let it sink in... Recency bias is a thing.
  10. Creyk

    Taylor Swift

    People are saying this has a very high chance of leaking tomorrow because of some delivery company delivering the CD's early. I wonder if it's true.
  11. Fuck It I Love You is a total gem In my top 5 probably
  12. The people from LB expressively didn't want to spread it but keep it to ourselves within discord. But ATRL member called "shrine" also got his hands on the leaks and he was a lot more generous with it. Which makes sense gotta get that ATRL clout
  13. Well AKA was inspired in a big way by the architecture of New York city IIRC so there you have it. Because she used to take long walks as she likes to do and she was inspired while looking around. You can still kind of see that these striking visual landscapes have an effect on her like how she made that picture with the many cranes a single cover or whatever it was.
  14. So she listened to all the songs on NFR and she somehow did not make this the lead single / first song we hear instead of MAC. I don't get how...this would have hyped the album so much more than MAC
  15. Creyk

    Ava Max

    Is it out
  16. Creyk

    Taylor Swift

    It was meant to be a palette cleanser. She said in her vogue interview that since a lot of popular music is moody today, she wanted to put out something very joyful
  17. Can you guys stop leaking her name She was so innocent and super nice about the whole thing. She did NOT tease, she did not act exclusive or make the people wait or say some stupid shit like "I will leak them one by one for every 1000 followers I get" like some attention whores would have. No. She simply uploaded them and gave them for those who asked as quickly as she was able to.
  18. Creyk


    This song is further proof that Barrie is his best muse, a carreer highlight
  19. *iconiclogan angrily writing this, smashing his keyboard while Bartender loudly plays in the background
  20. Creyk

    Happiness is a Butterfly

    Maybe HTD will have some ...
  21. Honestly lana experienced so many leaks through her carreer it probably doesn't even phase her anymore. I mean: Love MV The untouchable 5 Countless unreleased songs Honeymoon album BAR etc.
  22. Creyk

    Melanie Martinez

    The songs all sounding the same is not a problem since this is her signature sound...the snippets remind me of like Potato Head / Soap. It's just her vibe. And why shouldn't she want her songs to sound like that when the sound is flawless.
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