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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I think Cinnamon has the same sinister vibes Cherry has...? But other than that no
  2. take out your headset, sneak off into the toilet and just listen on your phone
  3. Since the production seems to be the same I think we will be able to have a 7 minute mix of the demo and album versions that incorporate the best of both worlds
  5. Creyk


    So which song is this?
  6. Creyk


    This will be IT sweeties! :kris:
  7. https://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/norman-fucking-rockwell-lana-del-rey/ez7vd1zsfwqxc Go here and enjoy
  8. I'm so happy almost all songs are over 4:30 long This album will be an EXPERIENCE
  9. I'm actually surprised by how nice it is. Her infliction / singing is somewhat different than in the live version and I think it's more captivating on the studio version
  10. I really like the new best american record IDK what some of you complain about. It sounds epic The song is very long so probably there is some progression in the production as it goes along
  11. The Happiness is a butterfly snippet, I can't! I really feel it will be the best song on the album along with cinnamon
  12. Did someone rip the snippets yet? Before they are removed
  13. Creyk

    Melanie Martinez

    why is it taking so l o n g
  14. Damn I am prepared to rename my track to this. Now It's just called Sylvia Plath
  15. Creyk

    Melanie Martinez

    If I can get my boyfriend to go with me
  16. Creyk

    Melanie Martinez

    Really? I have been blown away by literally all the snippets, specially lunchbox friends + the one where she sings about "being her lover" or something like that
  17. Do you think we will have 30 second snippets of all album trackcs by august 20? I really need it
  18. there is no new snippet but it's ok because we are getting the 2 new songs next week (Right, Lana? )
  19. if she did not put new material in it it's worthless. and the little surfing monolouge at the start was cringe
  20. You can't deny that putting that guy on the cover was a questionable choice Like I'm not gonna complain because it's whatever But it's understandable if some are upset
  21. You make no sense. We actually never heard yosemite while we have bar(but now there is a higher chance she will sing it live once)
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