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Everything posted by PinUpCartoonBaby

  1. She looks pretty as always. I found some more pics: And this one that was taken on the same day. Well it's not Lana but you quite like Ben don't you?
  2. Same here! Ugly kid jumps into swimming pool, then build a wall around the pool and everythings fine again. You guys make me wanna play sims 1 again! But I know if I'd start I could never stop!
  3. yeah, it always quite annoyed me too that sims can't get drunk...
  4. Yeah! It really surprises me that so many Lana fans also like the Sims. Cool that you know about poses. I once told my friend who actually likes the Sims about it and she was like "wtf is she talking about?". There are some smoking poses for Sims 3 as well and also a kind of hack that even gets the sims addicted to smoking!
  5. Whoa! Fans of Lana and The Sims?! Am I in heaven? These two are my greatest passions and I always thought I'm the only one who likes both of them. Glad to hear I'm not. I played all Sims games, really every single Expansion Pack that ever existed (exept University Live for S3). At the moment I'm only playing Sims 3 but it doesn't always work properly...EA should really fix this. I actually do not play a lot with families and so on but I just create Sims and I also made some poses (don't know if any of you use poses for the Sims because they're quite unnecessary). It's a bit awkward but I even have a Sims 3 blog where I posted some of my poorly Lana influenced creations and others.
  6. I think Lana mentioned this in an earlier interview but now we finally have a confirmation. Tbh, I don't know at least one of Kassidy's songs... Maybe I should have a listen to it. What do you think, will Lana and Kassidy perform together or will they just be a supporting act? Would be so cute if Lana and Barrie sang a duet.
  7. Wow, you met her?! You're such a lucky guy! I'm so jealous! I'm afraid I'll never have the chance to meet her. Thanks for the interesting information. Can't wait for the G&M video but does this mean that there won't be one for Cola?
  8. OMG! These are so perfect! I absolutely love her vintage style and even the shorter hair! Don't know why but the first thing that flashed into my mind when I saw them was Carmen.
  9. Really interesting topic! Her vocal range is absolutely stunning! If I could sing like that for only one day I'd sing the whole time to listen to my "dark and full with a slight smokiness" lower range and this omfg so beautiful high voice. I think, during live performances she actually seems more comfortable singing high notes so I'm really curious to see her live in concert if she'll blow my mind with her extremely deep notes or if she'll keep it all safe and avoid them. She also did this at some other performances, for example at Ride she often sings higher notes instead of C3.
  10. Interesting tattoos. I'm really fond of the 'trust no one' and 'paradise' ones. But I actually don't like her 'nabokov whitman' and 'chateau marmont' tbh...I think it's just too much, sorry Lana. Btw, I found another pic where we can see one of her fake tattoos. I think it's the mysterious JB one on her left hand, isn't it?
  11. I really didn't expect new Lana stuff that soon although I also think that it'll take it's time till we get a new album. But now after her confimation I'm so excited! I'm wondering what her "stripped down" songs will sound like. But I'm sure that they'll be perfekt!
  12. Thank you for this really cool thread! I absolutely enjoyed reading it. I also love the parallels you found between Lana and Elvis (Priscilla and Marilyn as well). Sometimes she really appears like a patchwork with pieces of a lot of different people who seemed to fit her electric-dope-noir world. Anyway something that flashed into my mind while reading this was so-called Club 27 (famous musicians that died at the age of 27). Jim Morrison as well died at the age of 27 during a kind of holiday. “I'm living like Jim Morrison, heading towards a fucked up holiday” So does it mean that Lana is heading towards death? Well, I’m really confused about her age but isn’t she 27? Just to clarify, I don't think that she wants to die. Let’s just hope that what I’m talking about won’t ever be a similarity between Lana and Jim. But maybe she wants to tell us that if she would have gone ahead like she lived in the past (maybe her addiction days) she would have lived like Morrison and died at the same age. But Idk… I know that's not a real similarity, it's more an interpretation but I just wanted to say anything.
  13. OMG she's so perfect! This outfit compensates for all her not so good looks she ever had and will do for all following. Can't resist! Wanna touch her!
  14. She looks quite cute like always but I've been hoping for something more glamorous. I also think she looks a little pale, I mean black dress + dark hair... + black dressed Barrie... Honestly I'm not so happy about her recent change of style. I mean she could wear anything and would still look like a godess but I just prefered the look she had before (lighter hair etc.) .
  15. Wow! This is a really awesome thread! All/most of your theories seem quite likely to me and I really enjoyed reading it (I didn't read all yet, but do it soon). I've also often been thinking about the relations between Lana's songs and her live but didn't ever found out that much. So I just wanted to thank you all for this topic. You've made my day!
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