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Everything posted by PinUpCartoonBaby

  1. Lana was spotted when she arrived at the airport in Minsk (Belarus). She looked beautiful as always!
  2. Thanks! But you took the lyrics of Hit & Run. Heavy Hitter mentiones the car in this line "I was dying, you were screaming Open up that Lamborghini". I totally forgot that Hit & Run contains a Lamborghini as well, so now we found another song where she sings about a car.
  3. I have to admit I'm not really interested in cars but this thread is just awesome! I really appreciate your great work! Btw, I think you forgot the Lamborghini from Heavy Hitter.
  4. WTF! Not available in my country?!?!? I'm crying rn! Have to find another way to watch it else I'm gonna die! EDIT: Thanks to proxtube I can finally watch it! I love this video! So so beautiful!
  5. Hope so too. S3 was a mess compaired to S2. But tbh I think I'm not ready for Sims 4 and somehow I'm not sure if I should even buy it. I'm kinda afraid that it will have as many bugs as S3 and that it won't work on any normal PC. I read somewhere that they want to go "back to the roots" and make the new game more like S2 or even S1 than S3 but idk what this means. Are there any pics yet except this disappointing one with the eyes on it?
  6. I totally agree with Trash! The black hair isn't that bad but when she combines it with this weird makeup...nah! I actually really like her Ride hair but the way she wears it now doesn't knock my socks off. My favourite hairstyle of her is the one she wears on the covers of BTD and Video Games. I'm so in love with this style! I'm not so into her Lizzy blonde hair. I mean when she was Lizzy it was quite cute but now...idk. But I'd kinda like to get this colour back: Anyway it's her hair and she can do with it whatever she wants. But I pray that she'll stop using this Cleopatra-lost-in-a-tropical-jungle makeup!
  7. It has also been released in Austria, where I live, but I never heard anything about it! I'm quite sure that it has never been played on the radio here.
  8. Beautiful! I don't know why but I absolutely love her doing this pose.
  9. Really interesting thread! I've been thinking about this for ages now but actually didn't come to any satisfying conclusions. Though I'll give it a try. (Don't hate me if I'm wrong. I don't know if I'm good at that kind of things...) I can only confirm your theories about her beeing really sensitive and warmhearted. I kinda think that she's also a little perfectionist, even if she doesn't show it all the time. Her videos (especially those from her Lizzy Grant days) might look a little messy and randomly put together but in my opinion this is exactly what it was intended to look like - it all was planned, every little piece of it. And I actually think that she's trying to make that with her whole life. She's trying to achieve perfection with beeing seemingly imperfect (Does this make any sense?). She doesn't want to be completely slick because that might be uninteresting or just isn't her intention. Now the big question is if this is her real personality or if she's just a great actor. I myself think that it's both. She obviously wants others to see her that way and so she has to behave in a special way. So I'm not saying that everything she does is acting - no way! - but don't we all do things just because we want to be perceived in a particular way? I think that's also a main motive for her name and style changes. She wasn't (maybe still isn't?) absolutely sure how she wanted to be seen by others or who she actually was/is, so she tried different idk how to call it...maybe "personalities" (I always think of "chamaeleon soul" & "no fixed personality" when it comes to this). I don't know if you get what I'm trying to say and it could be complete nonsense but this often comes into my mind when I see her. I have some more quite weird thought about this subject but I don't want to overstrain you with my strange would-be psychologist's blabla.
  10. NOOOOOOOO!!! I mean, yes I'm that UNO playing, awkward looking, nervous girl! OMG, I remember you too! I even sat next to you and actually wanted to start talking with you because you kinda looked like a REAL fan (other than those girls who were with me) but I was too shy! Damn, why the hell am I such a shy mess? It sure would have been great to talk to you, to a Lanaboards member and real Lana fan. Man, I can't forgive myself that I didn't say anything! And then during the concert I even stood behind you ! I usually don't believe in such things but I think this actually was destiny! ... and I didn't realize it!
  11. Great to read about your experience! I attended this show too and I was also waiting in front of the entrance that is in the mall. I'm sure I saw you but didn't know. And maybe you spotted me too. I think it's really cool that you met the guys of Kassidy! I arrived at about half past 3 or something so I missed them. During the concert I was standing at the right, second row so no hug and autograph from Lana for me too. I' wondering as well why she actually didn't come to this side. But I think it's because I was there and I'm just never favoured by fortune ... so it's actually my fault, I think. Hope you don't mind but I have a very stupid question: Did you have a kind of folder with some Lana pics inside? If so, you stood right in front of me! If you're interested, I wrote my own concert experience here: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1992-lana-del-rey-show-stories/?p=73740
  12. She looks absolutely stunning! Kinda reminds me of this:
  13. I misheard so many of her lyrics...and I think I still do in some of her songs. My version of OTTR: "...He loves me with every beat of his cooking heart Swimming pool glimmering darling wiping keening off my red nail polish watch me in the swimming pool bright blue ripple suit..."
  14. It's such a pleasure to read all your stories. Now you're gonna get mine! First a warning: English isn't my first language and I'm not that good at it. It's quite likely that this text contains some grammatical mistakes but I just wanted to tell anybody about my experience and maybe it even helps you with organizing your visit to one of Lana's concerts. So I hope you don't mind. Btw, I took some pics and made short videos of all the songs she performed. I posted them in the show thread if you want to see them. (http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1025-april-19th-vienna/)
  15. I really loved the outfit she wore yesterday in Vienna. I actually expected another short white dress but I was positively surprised when I saw her in this cute top and skirt. And the rose in her hair - so beautiful! Here are some more good quality pics if you want to add them to your list: http://kurier.at/kultur/musik/lana-del-rey-brachte-mulholland-drive-nach-wien/9.728.632#9727912,9727872
  16. No! This is too perfect! Now I want them to sing it at her concert but this won't ever happen!
  17. OMG! Thank you so much for posting this! It's absolutely stunning! Hope they're gonna sell it at her concert in Vienna because I want this so badly!
  18. I'm going to see her in Vienna too! I'm so excited! Thought there aren't many guys around here that are going to this concert but it seems that I was wrong. Well my ticket says that doors open at 19:00 , the show starts at 20:00. So it would only be one hour but Idk... Btw, when will you turn up there to queue?
  19. It's a real pleasure to read your story. You're such a lucky guy to get there backstage, meet Kassidy and get all this signed stuff from Lana. Thanks for all the details. Now I really know how to prepare myself for the concert.
  20. First time in my life that I'm happy to be native german speaker.
  21. I made some screencaptures of Lana arriving at the event but the pics have quite bad quality... However, she looks stunning!
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