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Everything posted by Belladonna

  1. It could be, but how do you fuck up a date like that? I would understand If 21st was flipped into 12th. It's just a weird situation.
  2. I wish we'd get Cherry and Summer Bummer with preorder, but it's not realistic.
  3. They just posted about it on their Instagram.
  4. I want Roses Bloom For You more than I want Life Is Beautiful. I don't get why everyone is so hung up on it. It was good from what was featured in the movie trailer, but realistically we may never hear the rest.
  5. Why cover her music then..? https://youtu.be/l9ABm2z3EO8
  6. Lana with Stella at 1 Oak in LA for Kendrick Lamar's birthday party.
  7. I was thinking the same thing about a disco esque album. Something along the lines of..
  8. It's on Spotify now, but It's under the year 2015. I love it though.
  9. https://twitter.com/SarahMOnline/status/878151024464150528 Lana looks so good.
  10. I thought this was cute to post. Fans using the filter for the club. With Nabildo
  11. Lana did my girl Roses Bloom For You dirty. It was one of my favorite snippets.
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