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Everything posted by Rafael

  1. ugh i adore sharon den adel. she has this same graceful aura~ as lana does. not really feeling the cover but its def much better than mileys cover
  2. She doesn't mind you have a Las Vegas past~
  3. That sounds awesome! I also intend to add the media column to the live performance list as I progressively dive deeper into each show. I mean I guess I could ask a mod to create the threads for it, but since I originally took this project upon my own, and don't have the authorization ability to do so... I'm stuck here basically. Perhaps I could be a temporary mod and work on this project? I dunno. It just felt like it was something a lot of people had requested in the past, but we'll see...
  4. ik ik i feel basic for having team. but its more how the lyrics project a certain feeling. same thing with gypsy being on the way etc. having no better on the playlist wouldnt make it... well... no better but what do i know. im not the infamous lb playlist guru
  5. Rafael


    omg thanks
  6. Rafael


    wait what? u have it?
  7. Updated. Trying this format for now as it seems more organized. Felt redundant to have venues on the TV/Radio lists though so I removed them and kept the show/radio station instead!
  8. Woah! I just noticed that Lana kinda hinted "West Coast" in an old interview for radio.com last year in august...
  9. Rafael


    Last time I checked it remained unleaked along with "Swingin' Party"
  10. w/ ~*~iconic~*~ or shall i say ~*~ironic~*~
  11. Thought it would could cool to share some summer playlists with each other. Hit me up with your best summer jams! Here's mine: Lana Del Rey - West Coast MØ - Maiden Washed Out - All I Know First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining Coldplay - Magic Empire of the Sun - Awakening Gwen Stefani - Cool Lady Gaga - Gypsy Lorde - Team Sky Ferreira - I Blame Myself Lana Del Rey - Driving in Cars With Boys Moby - Almost Home Kassidy - Take Another Ride Slow Magic - Corvette Cassette Washed Out - Great Escape The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now Wild Nothing - Live in Dreams dont h8--particip8~~~
  12. Shh. Been trying to keep that thread from being mentioned to spare me the embarrassment
  13. Gather enough people to sign a petition and perhaps @@iconicldr will finally let me do it
  14. had to wait for a mod to approve the thread in the news section anyway
  15. floral crowns is so 2012. lets trend boxing gloves instead I like your ultra-violent swing
  16. i think leo already translated it in one of the west coast/ultraviolence threads
  17. woah nice catch leo! reading the article as we speak i honestly just think she's recycling, but we'll find out for sure soon enough
  18. yeah was just about to post the link to it. tbh he sounds v lost. im not fully convinced.
  19. Rafael

    West Coast

    oh my god i think i know who it's about notice the cigarette brand in his palm rly resembles lanalysis is back!
  20. oh i forgot to mention. that tiny drum intro in the beginning makes me think of the intro for uptown girl by westlife for whatever reason
  21. i hear ya. cant remember the amount of times that national anthem promo rolled on loop until i realized the same thing
  22. just got back home~ i dig the song a lot! the way it slows down is fucking dope as hell. the sounds at the ending as well omg. yayo aka genius. if this is what they meant by unlistenable im down. only thing bothering me about the release is all the talk about charts like #sorrynotsorry
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