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Everything posted by Rafael

  1. oh dammit i was just about to post it. took so long to transcribe it as well haha. oh well. here u go @maru It's Munchie joined by Lana Del Rey. Welcome to Connecticut! Thank You. Is this your first time here in Connecticut? No, I went to school in Connecticut for three years. So, I-- I am familiar. Let's go back for a minute. You were playing shows around the New York area and you decided you were gonna upload this song "Video Games" to YouTube, and that really kinda opened the world's eyes to Lana Del Rey. More or less yeah. I mean it got, I guess it got lil' bigger after that. Now you got a sold out tour on your hands. Do you remember how things used to be back when you were struggling? Uhm, honestly it's kinda hard to even sort of remember the way that the things were because they're so different now in the way that it was hard to even get anyone down to the clubs on the Lower East Side I guess seven or eight years ago. So I mean that a tour would sell out is amazing, 'cause when I was younger like my goal was to be a touring artist and you know and not just in America, but you know maybe if I ever wanted to travel abroad that that would be a possibility. So, I mean it's... Yeah it's an honor. Especially, you know, thinking about it now that I get to do the music exactly the way I wanna do it so it's very cool. I take it like everyone else you read The Great Gatsby in high school? Yeah I did--I did read it in high school. When you got that phone call that they wanted to make you a major part of the soundtrack for the movie--that had to be pretty exciting. I mean it's a big deal. Like it's a big deal for anybody, but it was especially a big deal for me, 'cause I've had a kind of an upward battle the last four years. So I mean when Baz Luhrmann really really wanted me to kinda be the featuring of Great Gatsby I thought you know that was an honor and definitely not something I expected. So... I mean that--that kinda helped me out you know? You've got a great new song "West Coast". The video is amazing too. You can check that out at Kiss 95.7 keyword "Munchie". What was your mind set on this project? So, it's been so cold in New York the last few years. So I just, I dunno I enjoy how casual the west coast is. Like I go down to the beach I swim. I swim every day and Venice Beach is so great. I dunno. There's something very, something very, uh, mysterious about the west coast to me, so--'cause I know New York like the back of my hand. So it's nice to be in kind of uncharted waters. One final question before I let you go Lana Del Rey: You've got a song called "Diet Mountain Dew". Where does that title even come from? Uh, me and my dad. That's our favorite drink and I had a boyfriend, uhm, actually from Connecticut and that was--that was his favorite drink too. So, it was a little ode to caffeine, green caffeine. [laughs] I know I said that was the last question and now we're off the air I gotta ask you one more question really quick! For the guys, do you prefer clean shaving or do you like a guy who'd rock a good beard? I have to go, generally, with a bearded guy. [laughs] Yeah.
  2. edit: xactly what @@MaterialDiamond said
  3. ["Prom Song (Gone Wrong)" starts playing softly in a distance] If you're lonely, baby, hold me You're my only one Watching television, kiss until we see the sun You played me Biggie Smalls and then my first Nirvana song So even though when no one's friends we're really serious I knew you loved me by the way you looked in second period So "The Other Woman" might be a thing after all, huh? Interesting. Sounds so legit
  4. just felt like i had to create this in the heat of the moment
  5. cool she posted it on fb as well https://www.facebook.com/lanadelrey/photos/a.185862164789575.43908.117713628271096/736905396351913/?type=1
  6. Let's assume "Brooklyn Baby" is a revamped "Ghetto Baby" while we're at it because of the lyrics: Brooklyn, move my soul like this
 Kissing my stilettos, move your mouth up to my lips
 Come on over, ghetto baby
  7. she does this thing with her mouth that i find adorable. its like she's just about to start smiling, but then she force herself not to but then end up smiling anyway. see gifs in spoiler
  8. i think the yellow ones might be miley dates. but i have no idea. i just wanna buy my goddamn concert tickets already
  9. "A special song coming out tomorrow ...look out ! Photo by @neilkrug"
  10. I came across a new method of tracking down when (and occasionally where) a photo was taken using this site only. It can be really helpful to determine whenever a photo was taken! This is for example how I was able to track down the date for the wedding performance Lana did two years ago. Simply upload or paste an image URL, say this photo: and voila! Hey there May 19, 2012 @ 4:44:47AM using a Canon EOS 7D with a EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM Lens shot at 70 mm (Interestingly enough among all photos we have from this performance, the first photo was taken at 3:48:54AM and the last one I could find was at 5:02:16AM. So essentially we can pretty much establish for now that it was a one hour~ performance. Although there might be other photos lurking around on the interwebz ready for our sleuthing ). You wouldn't believe how much information a regular photo nowadays really contain. It's like taking a blood test! Please note that this method works the best with the original file. There are some exceptions (like the photo above), and most of the time it gives you really limited information. It really varies, but feel free to try it out and see what you can dig up!
  11. the best fanbase name will forever be the lorde horde. bless neal tbh.
  12. it sounds v ~opulence is the end~ to me. cant wait to hear it!
  13. Chris Isaak - Wicked Game (Instrumental)
  14. Rafael

    Washed Out

    I finally found a link to his 'Untitled' EP! Still can't believe it was right in front of my nose this entire time and I didn't even bother googling it properly It's not that many of you guys that listen to him, but I feel like it's my duty as the unofficial Washed-Out-Representative on this forum to introduce to you the untitled EP: including 8 zany tracks. Found on this website~
  15. I can't believe more than a year has passed and this still looks the same But if all goes well this year I might be able to see Lana Del Rey, Lady Gaga, Sky Ferreira, Charli XCX and First Aid Kit
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