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Everything posted by WildMustang

  1. yes someone said it ..she is beautiful but her cheeks look artificial and make her face looks weird edit: after re-reading your post I'm not sure that we talk about the same
  2. she really has to keep the side part with her hair...
  3. Is this no makeup ? Because I am not a girl and I can't say
  4. Sorry for saying but queen of bad fillers while. Still beautiful tho
  5. It's totally not a note..but belting with full voice for many seconds like she did it's totally not easy and for me it was impressive.. It's easy when you sing with head voice but when you sing with chest your breath is over quickly
  6. I really don't know what to think about the sound of the new album after the last news
  7. I am kinda confused about the time..They left 5 hours and 20 minutes?
  8. I think that the people are not aware of the song.. It's very good and it just needs some exposure
  9. Video games is the best for me and we will listen to this for many years I think
  10. I hated Lana del rey and now I am so obsessed with her and writing her next best american record
  11. Lana release the MV in which you and abel having hot moments and the views will rise
  12. Can I ask something?Do they choose the singles before or if a song is a hit they make it a single?
  13. yes you're right...that's what I meant..everything before lana it's lizzy for me lol
  14. I really want to listen to Yosemite..It sounds to me very lizzy grant-y song
  15. I really think that the MV will be one of her best.. Love was a great idea and production but I missed lana as heroine of the story
  16. What's going on with Paris Match photoshoot? the photographer said April
  17. it may be green for some people and red for some other I know some people who have this problem
  18. I guess she is famous enough for what she is and what she does..I mean after ultra and honeymoon ( which I find great) she could be unknown
  19. Really?? That is nice to hear... Btd was her time to be so I don't think something will top it concering on the sales and recognition no matter how good her music is
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