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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. Can I just say that I really love when you both interact on here together. Always spilling that good tea
  2. I just know Jack is passing around the same melodies to all them girlies. You can't trust a popular hoe.
  3. I would DIE and go to heaven if Lana covered this. I've been manifesting since 2017
  4. Like no tea or shade to Olivia and Billie stans but like...Lana gave us 27 years of life experience in her songwriting meanwhile these new girlies are singing about high school shit lol. It's just funny how people fawn over them like they have lots to say. This is why I don't stan young talent because they lack so much experience and it shows in their music
  5. @Diamantes WILD your posts never fail to brighten up this thread. God bless
  6. I can understand the Beyonce argument and how Lana may be more popular than her in some countries. Take Kanye West for example. In America he's huge, but in the UK people don't really care for him. It all depends
  7. Someone check Shazam. Someone check ATRL. Someone check on Shanice.
  8. Didn't Katy Perry eventually decide to go with a fan's artwork of her recent album? Lana take notes! Honestly the artwork some of you create for Lana is astounding, like genuine talent right there. It's lowkey embarrassing how a major label can't produce the same level of effort when it comes to the aesthetic side of things. It's not asking for the whole world. What's so bad about having a cover that truly conveys the overall theme and meaning of the music?
  9. My last post got moved even though I mentioned BB
  10. "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable"
  11. I want this on BB so bad. It's so dark, mysterious and romantic ugh
  12. It is advised that you let your fillers 'dissolve' before getting them done again so it could be that
  13. That birthmark looks like streaky fake tan to me
  14. Forgive my vulgarity but Rob is looking like such a DILF lately. I hope he's on the BB cover instead of Lanz
  15. Honestly I agree with everything but this part. I think it's okay to distance yourself from people who have different political views provided you let people have an opinion about things you may not agree on. For example, I'm pro-choice and I know there are people out there who are pro-life, but after all, they're people who are allowed to have an opinion, even if that opinion is damaging (but hey, it's a great opportunity to have a debate). Yeah it sucks to admit, but that's life and that's how humans work. At the end of the day, we can't force people to think the same way as us. It's quite literally impossible and you have to be a realist to truly understand that you can't just 'shun' people from speaking about certain topics that differ from your own, but we can surround ourselves with people who are likeminded to us to achieve inner peace for our own wellbeing
  16. This thread went to shit when @Lustformoney left and ya'll know it
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