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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. The word 'soon' genuinely makes me feel sick to my stomach
  2. Yeah French Restaurant is a great example of a piano song done RIGHT. There's a lot of elements in there. The verses are soft and sweet, then the big wave of emotion comes in during the chorus that keeps you clinging onto Lana's every last word. I hope we get more songs like that on BB, and I will admit that the new snippet gives me hope that these piano songs are going to have a more exciting edge to them. I can't say the same for BB or WW...they belong to COCC imo. Text Book is alright. Other piano songs which are great: You Must Love Me Old Money RBFY Riverside Fine China
  3. I'd rather WW and Text Book not be on the album. BB will have to be since it's in the title but again, this is another VB/MAC situation where everyone has played the songs to death long before the release, thus giving the 'dated' feel once the album is actually out
  4. The new snippet is giving me French Restaurant vibes
  5. Okay so what colour do we think the vinyl will be? I hope it's sunshine yellow like her dress. THE SERVE
  6. I know I shouldn't complain but her face legit looks photoshopped, like someone attached a different pic of her face onto the cover. BUT it's still a good cover. I like the simplistic font this time and I like how Tex and Mex are getting a feature
  7. To be fair, this fan was being nice so I'm not surprised Ben responded. I made a comment to him a while back (and made sure to be nice) and he replied too. Kindness goes a long way besties
  8. It's about time we get a winter album. December release confirmed xx
  9. Sunday is God's day. It's what he would have wanted.
  10. This Lana tweet is so funny to me because I get the impression Lana can't fight for shit. Bless her. Azealia deserved it tho
  11. Ben is gonna tell Lana to push the album back to 2027
  12. Starry Eyed French Restaurant (def should have ended up on BTD and replaced either Lucky Ones or Lolita) Super Movie Tomorrow Never Came Money Power Glory Chelsea Hotel No.2 Wild One (not to be confused with Color Blue/Wild on You...although this one is pretty underrated too imo) Love Song
  13. We could actually publish a book as thick as the bible containing posts from the 'Lies Lana Has Told Us' thread
  14. Manifesting the 10 second snippet china.palace posted in 2017 of the Honeymoon sounding orchestral music playing over the 1942 version of the Jungle Book tiger yes ma'am!
  15. Rose quartz marble. I'm sensing a lot of pink this era
  16. Let people complain. We're all here together waiting for this puta's music. No one is more superior than the next person. You're not superior if you're up Lana's ass and the people who complain are allowed to show their disappointment. Stop policing this shit. It's a DISCUSSION forum, that's how it all works Snort some coke or something
  17. Has Lana followed any music producers on Insta or Twitter recently? We might be able to get a clue
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