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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. This seems legit to me, mainly because I haven't heard a song (released or unreleased) of Lana singing this way specifically. It sounds intriguing
  2. I definitely feel like we'll be getting Cherry Blossom on this album (not that I want it on there), but considering there will be a baby in Lana's life (Chuck's baby), perhaps it will seem fitting. I can't remember where it came from but wasn't Cherry Blossom supposed to be some kind of lullaby? It makes sense if so
  3. Why do ya'll hate L+F? It's not that bad tbh
  4. Honestly some of you are so damn sensitive to any Lana criticism. As far as I'm concerned, Rorman is being pretty respectful in their opinions. Not everyone has to like what Lana does. Sorry if you can't handle that but for the love of God, grow some thicker skin. Expecting everyone to love every single aspect of her songs but shunning people for going against the grain is fucking cult-like behaviour
  5. The album cover if def gonna be her in that denim blue jacket looking up to the sky
  6. Appreciation post for @Rorman Nockwell and playing the devil's advocate because let's be honest , this thread would be boring if every single person kissed Lana's ass like their lives depend on it
  7. 13 Beaches deserves more love
  8. Idk the Interview magazine video she did was pretty entertaining
  9. Tea bestie. People on here are lacking serious reading comprehension and jump through hoops just to further push the false narrative that we want suicidal Miss Gangsta Nancy Sinatra back because we want more strings and bigger beats. I give up on arguing with them though, obviously they're the more SuPeRior stans for favouring Lana's stripped down sound
  10. The beat in Text Book reminds me of Angels Forever omg it just clicked
  11. I completely agree with you. Ugh I know I drone on about this but I think there's a huge difference between piano chords that sound the same throughout the entire song due to TOO much simplicity, and the piano chords where it actually has a lot of complex arrangements. I do think BB is a step in the right direction though, as there seems to be a lot of different elements throughout BB, TB and WW so I'll give her that lol. I think Lana's punchier vocals help this time around too
  12. I relate to Lana's relationship with her mother. My own mother is hostile towards me most of the time and I genuinely can't remember the last time we hugged. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure she only hugged me a total of four times growing up. But that's the funny thing, some girls have a "my mum is my best friend" relationship, and others not so much. I think a lot of mothers can be incredibly judgemental towards their daughters because they see their daughters as a reflection of themselves, and when their daughters don't mirror the image they want then they get bitchy and overall just plain spiteful. But obviously we don't know the details of Lana's mother so I'll leave it at that, but I understand Lana's reasoning for mentioning her.
  13. I've lost faith in her album artwork so I'm not expecting anything grand. I feel like the album cover will feature a bird though? I don't know why
  14. Flowerbomb

    Text Book

    I wasn't being serious
  15. Flowerbomb

    Text Book

    Twitter is gonna find out about that BLM line an drag ha through the mud
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