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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. It achieves nothing
  2. Lana's feminist views is the equivalent to drawing clitorises in pink chalk on a pavement
  3. Lol I'm sorry but how can they expect people to be sympathetic towards then when they won't share the entire convo? What was the context of that conversation? Anything could have been said, and my best guess is that it wasn't nice. I don't think Lana would be warm to this groupchat many times in the past and then suddenly turn on them out of nowhere.
  4. I think my disappointment lies with the fact that she just seems very narrow minded and doesn't want to listen to those who are genuinely hurt/affected by her statements. Also the way she addressed the whole thing in her follow up comments were nonchalant and just...pissy? I'm still glad she spoke up on her own issues regarding the criticism she has faced but it's like she says one thing I can agree with and then something complete opposite which I can't quite excuse. Ugh Lana you complicated queent
  5. Zara made some points, was it REALLY necessary for Lana to make an entire post about how there's no room for 'frilly' feminists? Then again, free speech and all so Lana can post what she wants. But you can still agree with Lana as well as disagree, not everything has to be black and white, one or the other. I think that was Zara's take on it anyway
  6. Honestly Lana should post a long video via livestream or something because I feel like she can’t properly convey her thoughts to text as well as she thinks. She’s a good speaker and I think she could come back from this if she really uses her voice to help people understand what she meant, and to also acknowledge why some people are upset with her post (if she even acknowledges that at all). As for these insta stans, they got what they deserved considering they don’t have two brain cells to rub together to realise what they were saying to her in the dms was wrong. I have no doubt they said some stupid shit hence why they haven’t posted the full convo with her to back themselves up.
  7. They sound annoying, I have no doubt they were bombarding her with mental illness questions
  8. shiiiid what did he do to her (other than stalk her)
  9. True, it just shocks me in a way because I feel like Ariana reached out to her as a means to kindly educate her on the flaws of her posts and Lana just got pissy and unfollowed
  10. Can't believe she unfollowed Ariana
  11. OMG I love it, this is so good! Edit: this is actually better than the orginal tbh
  12. Because in the song she's basically bringing down another woman to raise herself up as a means to appease a man?
  13. I was especially proud of this one lol
  14. We all know Lana is a lil internally misogynstic. She's Not Me/So Legit, anyone?
  15. Not Megan Fox making a post about Lana and then deleting it oop https://twitter.com/scenesaw/status/1263621478626410497
  16. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Remixes) 1. Twitter God Complex 2. Ignorant Bitch 3. Fuck it, I Don't Care Anymore 4. Draggin' Time 5. Feminist Song 6. Controversial Girl 7. How To Piss Off a Million People 8. The Next Best American Scandal 9. The Baddest 10. A Phone is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have It
  17. Twitter is so toxic. I can understand lots of people's opinions on both sides of the spectrum, but I feel like so many things with her post has been twisted to hell, mainly because people are desperate for clout and people very well know that negative tweets gets the most likes and attention. A lot of people are pretty much dissecting her post and creating a problem that isn't even there, mainly to create this false image to feed a particular narrative they want to portray for their own entertainment. But with that being said, I can't speak much on the racism thing because I'm not black, and I don't want to invalidate the hurt a lot of black people are feeling with her post. If that's how some of them feel with her post, then who am I to say it's wrong? It's a very difficult thing to discuss tbh
  18. The way that NASA may have detected a parallel universe yet Lana's post is the most heated topic of discussion on Twitter right now
  19. Where is her father, robert where are u
  20. @benmawson where u at boi
  21. This girl needs to do a livestream or sum, I think she'd clear things up easier if she just spoke instead of type
  22. But Lana, these girls STILL met with criticism in their careers for the music they made, what's not clicking?? You ain't the only one. Oh my goodness this woman
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