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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. How come I've never been aware of the fact that Marina was slipping away? I always thought they were close
  2. Wow I wonder what went on between them, I'm 99.9% sure Marina did follow her
  3. No you're assuming I don't know the history when I do. Feminism is still feminism though, regardless of where you are in the world. That's my point. You're fixated on what's going on in the western world and you're trying to equate mens and women's issues when it's far from being the same thing. And yes, Marilyn made her own choices, but it still doesn't change the fact that she was treated less than a man. Sexualising her doesn't make it resepect/acceptance. She played along because that's what Hollywood wanted from her but anyone who is aware of who Marilyn was as a person knows that she had much more to offer than a bimbo persona in movies that men typecast her in. You're literally trying to equate men and women's struggles, that's my main issue with your posts btw. Women bring up their issues, then you chime in with "well men have experienced this..." when I'm not invalidating the abuse men go through, but it's pretty much in the same vein as a black person bringing attention to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and you responding with #AllLivesMatter. Edit: Anyways that's all I'm saying. I'm not going to risk getting my 12th warning point and a potential ban for derailing the thread.
  4. A twisted gothic fairytale set in the Garden of Eden with subtle religious undertones in the lyricism and a collab with Hozier and Father John Misty
  5. Dude you don't have to mansplain basic history to me, I'm well aware of it. I acknowledge that not everyone in Hollywood got a job just like that, and yes, it takes talent to actually be signed to film companies, but have you considered that women in Hollywood have had to sleep with executives just to get a role? A man in the business exposed himself to Shirley Temple when she grew up out of the child star phase. Hollywood has been run by men so if you want to blame women for the reason why film companies hired younger actors after WWII, go right ahead. A lot of women like Marilyn were given makeovers to appeal to men's fantasies. Wasn't it a man who told Marilyn to change her name to something more sexier? To dye her brunette curls to platinum blonde? These women had 'power' over men because they were made up to be sexualised and treated like a sex symbol, not a human being. That's the only 'power' they had - to be gawked at on screen. Again, a lot of your post is pertaining to feminism in the US, what about elsewhere? What about the women who get acid thrown in their faces if they don't obey their husbands?
  6. We need a good slut anthem like Gods & Monsters. I feel like we didn't really have one with NFR and the closest we got was Cinnamon Girl
  7. Don't get it twisted. Marilyn was mostly only seen as a sex symbol throughout her life and career and the same can be said for the other women you mentioned (unfortunately). Just because they're deemed as strong women now doesn't mean they always were. They had to fight to be taken seriously, something men never had to do. Period. Why are you acting as if woman are just as bad as men and have had the same privileges? Yes humans can hurt other humans in different ways but women are greatly outweighed in terms of power. Also your stance on feminism is very US-centric, perhaps look at the disadvantages women across the globe face, even in today's modern world.
  8. A collab with Grimes, I am speaking it into existence
  9. I was talking about fragile femininity pre-rock n roll. I'm aware of strong female women in music during the 70's. However my point still stands. You can be the most rock n roll woman out there and STILL have men undermine you.
  10. I mean it's true though. How long has it taken for women to finally get some recognition? How long has it taken for women to finally say "you know what? I can be strong like a man too". Fragile femininity has always been the norm and has also been the most acceptable.
  11. The production on NFR was atrocious. Cinnamon Girl is a true victim when it comes to having different volume levels in a song. COCC needs a new sound engineer
  12. Man this is pretty cowardly though, like if I were Lana being slated everywhere online and my friends didn't publicly show their support, I'd be pretty pissed and tell them not to bother. That's just me tho
  13. Okay so here's what I want from this alboom - No piano. Yeah pianos are cute but NFR sounded pretty dreary for this reason. I want an album full of LIFE and SOUL and PIZZAZZ - No ridiculously long song titles (but we know that won't happen, it's like her 'thing' now) - Surf noir sound, like Wayamaya. That's what I got from the poem instrumental - A cover shot by someone else (not gonna happen but let me dream) - A pink/white marble vinyl, or white and peach tones - No collabs - No snippets. I suppose one snippet would be okay so we get a general idea of the sound, but anymore than that would be a bad idea - Outlandish lyrics like we got in UV, something really unapologetic
  14. Born to Die, Paradise, UV, Honeymoon & Lust for Life is what I would consider 'very classic/authentic Lana' titles, but Norman Fucking Rockwell and Chemtrails Over the Country Club is what I would describe as 'New-Lana'. It doesn't 'feel' like Lana to me at all...it seems like a new chapter in her music career and not really tiles I would consider to be 'her'. This probably doesn't make any sense but I consider NFR & COCC to be her 'new' work/perspective/sound
  15. True, but I feel like it never needed to be posted in the first place but they did anyway...perhaps to cause more drama but who knows
  16. https://twitter.com/stereogum/status/1264927515891638273
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