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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. After reflecting a bit, I think what bothers me most is how long she waited to tell us. I figured that if she waiting so long after the trailer and the album cover, she'd at least announce it in an interesting way. Instead she waits until JUST before the date that was published multiple times in a careless way.
  2. I almost kind of believe she's hacked. Not because I'm in denial, but because none of it makes sense and is so out of character (even for Lana). You'd think she'd at least make an Instagram post (or 3).
  3. You know what... now I'm anxiously awaiting the inevitable leak and I don't feel bad about it.
  4. That dress is by Alexander McQueen
  5. This is so beautiful. I love how simple and cute it is and how true it stays to the song. She looks genuinely happy and that makes me happy
  6. The fact that the interviewer said that h wouldn't betray her trust makes me think she told him and it's probably the 26th.
  7. That is not how I interpreted what she said at all.
  8. I had a dream last night that Lana confirmed the 26th as the release date this whole situation is messing with my brain
  9. What if she came out on stage with curled hair, a short white dress, and those ugly white sandals
  10. I WANT to be excited but I know all too well that "soon" doesn't always mean "soon"
  11. It probably has to do with location. No one in America gives a shit. And she also is not even in the same realm as Lana. It'd be one thing for Lana to release the album on the same day as Lorde or Halsey but Shakira.... girl
  12. I have not heard one word about Shakira in idk how long. Literally didn't even know she had an album coming out.
  13. Maybe I'm stupid but what exactly could that mean? That the video is coming?
  14. This isn't a drag, but why does she look 15 lbs lighter than the last time we saw her?? She's like BTD skinny now
  15. Yikes. I was really hoping for a spring release so I could have a summer full of new music. The summer of 2014 was one of the best because we got UV in the spring
  16. This is going to make me sound insane but occasionally I have dreams that turn out to be premonitions (I have a dream and then it happens later) and last night I had one where I saw Lana live and she performed a new song with specific lyrics that was so good. The same night (in my dream) she released the tracklist. But that's all I can remember . I wish I could see the tracklist and hear the lyrics in my mind.
  17. I'm just.... confused on so many levels. I'm not really sure how I feel about this song yet because it doesn't sound like a finished, cohesive song. I don't think people are gonna like this one.
  18. Someone literally commented on her Facebook post asking her not to sell out to that "ghetto" shit and I just have to wonder... what's so ghetto about the song or the lyrics? Why is this "fan" afraid she'll turn ghetto after collabing with Abel? It's interesting. Also, has this "fan" HEARD her old music?? She literally has a song called Ghetto Baby.
  19. Lust for Life is so effortlessly pop whereas HBTB seemed like a forced radio hit
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