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Everything posted by 111

  1. You guys are really something else... I'm always direct and clear when I have something. It was just a stupid lyric play that I do ALL THE TIME. And yeah I definitely love seeking attention when all I get is "leak X", "you're a pedo" and similar hateful comments from the same set of low IQ members who simply has nothing to do but to lose their mind on this thread & attack everyone and everything. The jealousy reeking... Fuck off from my Twitter and don't read my tweets if you don't like me. Simple as that. How many times... What's not clicking???
  2. 111


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD85HZQwwWw lyrics in the description
  3. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Made another comment about this on ATRL that I'd like to copy here while we are still on topic: The problem is not the content, it's the filter she's putting the songs through or rather the lack of. She made songs before that are positive, happy and about enjoying life AND still kept the Marina touch in them. Most of those songs would not be fit for any X pop singer, but the songs on this album are. The lyrical content is very abstract and general. Is she writing about her life? Sure. But the ideas that pour onto the paper remain like sentences composed together from a group of any people, opposed to being her specific life experiences. The lyrics are surface level, there's a lack of detail. Let's take Karma and Better Than That for example. She talks about a specific person or a type of people in both of the songs, saying they will get what's coming for them, they're bad people etc. Compare the way she wrote both of the songs. The verses and bridge for Better Than That are so detailed and specific. When I first got the demo of Karma, I had absolutely no idea it was about "men in power". She could have written something very powerful with that concept, yet she remained abstract and gave a generalized version that could have been written/sung by a teen pop artist. To answer your question, yes they are both early tracks.
  4. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Said the same thing yesterday to @@wraith and @@electra With Lana's "bad" songs, you can tell they have been written by her and it's her unique sound and style. They feel authentic. Most of LOVE + FEAR could have been released by... someone like Dua Lipa. You can't feel Marina's touch in (probably more than) half of the album. Starting with The Family Jewels, she always had an idea and desire to write about something specific. She always knew what she wanted to do that, of course not 100%, she changed directions and came up with new ideas and discarded old ones as she continued with the writing but that's just the creative process. It doesn't matter that how many producers and co-writers were on Electra Heart, she had the bulk of it down and needed people to fill the gaps. With TFJ and especially EH there were a lot more people but with FROOT she only had the help of one producer to help her out. With this album, she definitely had a creative block. She wrote some songs in 2016 and 2017 but she did not go in to this process having an idea of what she wanted to do. She was drained from all the touring. She didn't even know if she wanted to make an album. She probably started to feel a little pressure in 2018 to do a record (because you know, fans and contract obligations) but she was still confused about what to do. That's when she ended up taking a trip to Sweden, working with Clean Bandit again, working with BROODS. She just had fun writing camps with musicians who ended up doing the bulk of the album for her, instead of filling the gaps. She is a musician too, she wrote and came up with melodies as much as they did but she did not go into that studio with "I want to do THIS, help me do it" like she did with her previous albums. Her approach was more like "Uhm I have this thing but idk what do you guys have/think" and that's why the album sounds like something that could be sung by any UK or Scandinavian pop artist. She took every sound, every melody, every production detail without thinking twice "is this authentically me? is this what I want to make and release?". She took whatever sounded at least decent, fresh and maybe 'radio/chart fit'. She wanted to finish an album as quickly as possible after making only a handful of songs before 2018. She made 20+ songs and picked what she thought was the best and slapped some weak idea on it... and here we are. That's why I also have issues with some of the production changes and songs that didn't make the album. The outtakes are more authentically her than some of the tracks on the album. So yeah I'm rambling on a lot, it's up to you to decide if this is a good or bad album. For me, is it a good pop record that has delicious production and fun vibes, definitely yes. But is it an authentic MARINA album? Definitely not compared to her previous work. Is this gonna take away from my listening experience? Not really. Am I disappointed? Just a little bit, but I'll survive and see what her next record offers. If the next one is the same then that means she's just gonna serve up this now and I'll enjoy it for what it is.
  5. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Same here. It sounds so much like something I've heard before but I can't figure out what song.
  6. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    BELIEVE IN LOVE 4/5 - What a great song to pick up where EOTE left. Definitely feels like a continuation of that song. The synths and drums build up to such an emotional, nostalgic chorus. I wish the mood of Fear was more like this song. LIFE IS STRANGE 2.5/5 - Although the cello sounds amazing and the melody is reminiscent of The Family Jewels, the chorus falls flat and brings the song down immensely. Even though the watered down lyrics is common, you can really feel the 'basicness' in the chorus of this one. YOU 2.5/5 - Picking this song for the album was one thing, completely butchering it is unacceptable. It was average before, but it had a punch, it was a banger. Now it could be to soundtrack to a minimalist vlogger's vid. The tropical chill vibes are not it. KARMA 3/5 - Another completely new production. It gave the song the punch it needed, unlike YEW!. Some new vocal takes, new drop. Feels fresh. I like this song, sits somewhere in the middle for me. Great summer's bop. Didn't need the trap percussion. EMOTIONAL MACHINE 4/5 - Always loved and defended this song. It has that weird Marina feel to it. Subtly improved from the demo, they added some new drums which fit the song and elevates it. The live version never did it justice. TOO AFRAID 4.5/5 - Just like Emotional Machine, this has always been a favourite of mine and subtly improved from the demo. Has my favourite lyrics of the whole album, you can really feel the bittersweetness. It was rarely talked about before release and it will definitely be the underrated gem of the record. NO MORE SUCKERS 3/5 - This is around the level of Karma for me. You can tell the lyrical content is inspired by her psychology course, talking about deeply rooted patterns and picking the wrong partners. The chorus is huge, what an earworm! SOFT TO BE STRONG 3.5/5 - This is a great song to end the album on. They, of course, added the trap percussion for the final mix whereas the demo is more acoustic. Still, it does not take away greatly from the song (unlike Superstar) and we end the album on a very sweet, hopeful note.
  7. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    EM, Too Afraid, STBS and Karma are all improved and polished. You is a completely new song now and it's even worse than the demo. Went from an okay banger to a tropical chill ambience music that'd play in some minimalist vlogger's background. A few hours left for the official release.
  8. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I love fanfiction
  9. Sounds like a nice dude. He handled it maturely. I wish she had the decency to break it up face to face or even over the phone and not a damn interview.
  10. Episode 1 is showing on Direct TV Now, pics/vids are leaking
  11. https://static.spin.com/files/2015/08/UO-Exclusive-art-640x640.jpg
  12. Unpopular opinion but all of her covers are average to me. I dislike the BtD cover, always have. But I appreciate that it is iconic in pop culture now. The photoshop on the Paradise cover is a mess. Ultraviolence is the best among them, but there were better pics to choose from that shoot and her other shoots with Neil from that time. Honeymoon is a mess, the alt cover and other pics are so much better. Lust For Life is alright, I appreciate the gorgeous smile, it is a nice change. But still she could have put something nicer than something from Love video shoot.
  13. 111

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    I guess you can't figure this out on your own and it might be very shocking, but maybe don't open or read it? It's in spoiler tags for a reason. Please don't quote or mention me unless you have something valuable to contribute to the topic or discussion. It's off-topic.
  14. 111

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Says the user who does it on ATRL all the time, can you not hypocrite? Don't quote/mention me.
  15. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    It is not. The oooh-ooohs are sung in a higher register in the studio version. And the dude has an empty FL Studio template open.
  16. The incompetency of her managers, the lack of security and the amount of people involved in the making of those tracks lead the leak of those songs. They were going to leak whether or not I was involved or vocal about them. The spreading of those files happened from a few people in New York City who were involved with Universal and who were also involved with leaking demos from other big artists like Beyoncé. By the time I received those files, they were already being sent over to so many users on ATRL, Brazilian fan pages and eventually spread across Lanaboards. So many users here who pretend to be bothered when I talk about upcoming releases were the people doing the spreading and teasing themselves, sending DMs with the songs, creating Instagram accounts and posting snippets. I was contacted by the feds to help track down the source responsible for this mess, after they cleared my name. I was simply a link in the chain for that whole ordeal. Lana herself, her team and the guy from FBI knew I was not responsible for any leak or spreading. Lana trusted me enough to share the album title, multiple release dates, lyrics and more info with me. I never asked her for this type of info, I never acted in a position of power to make her tell me things, she just did! And I never, ever made her beg me. Gosh, it is insane to even think that. Thank you so much! Most of the time when I post here it can be sassy, but it's never from a place of feeling superior to anyone. I just want to discuss and share my love for Lana and her music, and lately our shared frustration for the delays and lack of news.
  17. Lana never "begged" me to not leak something and I never leaked anything that had any potential to harm her creative soul or career! Stop making shit up! Please stop spreading exaggerated or entirely false information. It's enough.
  18. Delete all of your Lana unreleased and stream/buy every official release before you even try to come for me about "stolen property". Just admit you attack, hate and try to tear me down for no god damn valid or relevant reason. It's been done many times when I haven't even posted here or came online. All I wanted was to be treated fairly, or at least how you treat other leakers most of the time. Did I come here and act superior to someone all of a sudden? You provoke me and push me into acting this way, I defend myself and say "Hey, I don't just tease or hoard, I shared so much with you guys!" just to prove a point so you can back off. You put words into my mouth and say I'm acting self-righteous.
  19. Girl I was here and you started attacking me for no absolute reason, calling me a pedo and starting drama. If you can't take shit, don't start shit. No one is @ing you anyway. Shut up and don't mention my name if you can't have a constructive discussion. Damned if I share, damned if I don't. All you do is diminish how much I've shared and when it's pointed out you call it bragging and look down on it. There's never pleasing some of you and it's stupid to even try to have a discussion. It's insane man! They will cling onto this hate agenda for their dear life and create false narratives to justify their hate.
  20. Sometimes some of you conveniently forget that the amount of full songs AND information I've shared with this fanbase are so massive, there isn't any other leaker who has shared as much as I did. A good portion of your unreleased is because of me and I had no reason to share any of that. Yet you still complain about how much I hoard or tease. I don't want anyone licking my ass, I just want you to back off. The teasing was unbearable during 2016, but I was like 16 years old kid, I apologized many times, give me a break. It's 2019 and some of you are still going on about that. Other leakers are doing the exact same teasing, they haven't even been close sharing with you as much as I did, but they don't even get the fraction of unnecessary hate. How much more do I have to share with you all to like shut the fuck up and let me be? It will never be enough anyway. Where's the hate for Honeymouns? She teases, sure she shared a few tracks, but she has a shit ton of demos and stems and outtakes, 90% of her stuff is still locked up while I shared more than 90% of my shit over the years! I'm not saying go attack her cause I like her & she is harmless but y'all cherry pick who you will hate.
  21. Some of your points are valid but also I haven't teased unreleased shit in like what, over a year? Especially my last 2 leaks were full, unannounced. When I get info I share immediately as in the case with Hope. Your criticism is fair but not relevant anymore. What else do you want me to do? I come here and keep to myself almost all the time but people love talking shit about me even when I'm not here based on what I tweet. If you don't like my tweets don't look at them? This is the only time I defended myself here in a long while, I don't come here to start drama. You just love to express your hate for me based on inaccurate, false or dated beliefs. And every single time I am saying let it go so we can move on in peace
  22. I have friends here, people who like me and people who hate my actions and that's been how it is for years. People have every right to dislike attention seeking or teasing, most of the time I'm not proud of it myself. But stop with the motherfucking pedo thing. It's harmful and hurtful. There are legit pedos out there hurting children. It is not right to throw it around and accuse people you don't like. Grow a few brain cells and make it make sense Lanaboards.
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