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Everything posted by 111

  1. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    ahh good morning america!
  2. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    the way poor charli was doing her best to get xcx world out, had a full album campaign planned and a mastered album in her hands yet atlantic refused to let her put it out and everything leaked faster than a los angeles cumdump bussy after a 18 hour cum and go session... meanwhile the gaise are asking capitol to release an album that capitol doesn't even have (because it's not finished) and the few gaise who hacked for the newer batch of masochism sessions are refusing to xcx world her even though she deserves... something is so wrong with yall
  3. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    swamperella go back to sleep
  4. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    I was surprised to see your comment for this thread... and then I wasn't. Further proof of a deep generational chasm that divides LanaBoards into two camps; the twentysomething pop sophisticates with 15 to 20 years of top-shelf pop consumption to their name, and an unruly kid crew with Scream Queens avatars and tributes to Nick Jonas in their signatures. It's not that the latter generation is a lost cause entirely, but they've clearly never heard a "Sky Ferreira" — that is, they've never encountered a voice quite as distinctive as Sky's. "But I know Sky! Night Time, My Time was the first album I bought!" First off, ask for a refund. And no, you don't know Sky, you know a very stilted and subdued version of the iconic performer. The Sky of "Masochism" is Sky as Sky is intended to sound. She very skillfully vacillates between a range of tones; she nasally, then guttural, then grainy, then nasally again, then delicate. (And yes, that's how she's supposed to do it.) She's sultry. She's goofy. She's sounds slightly absurd. She's fully engaged. She's expressive in ways that "technically superior" vocalists just aren't. She is brilliant. You have no idea how brilliant she is. This is the probably purest attempt Sky has made to harness some of that ineffable charm that made her early work so irresistible. I adore it.
  5. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    the lengths some of you go to defend this entitled, lying narcissist... to compare her to real artists like jojo and charli who fought their way out of their label hell, while still releasing music for their fans while this brat just complains and plays the victim role perfectly on all the interviews she does. the way y'all consistently forget about her just recording songs that were already written and recorded by the producers and was significantly late to all of her live shows this year (capitol handcuffed her backstage?) with "sound issues" (capitol turned off her mic?), being unable to finish and release yet another video... what a perfectionist damn. please don't talk about a shitty record company fucking around a decade ago... we are talking about HER actions in 2022! the way her label issues (no one's saying they aren't real) are the perfect excuse for her to exaggerate and use as her victim story in all the interviews and some of you refuse to see it. the way she said she was in a car accident and like 3 people was like hmm what and moved on, no evidence of it happening... gosh i wish i was mismanaged by my label so i could dramatise and use it as an excuse for the rest of my career for everything that goes wrong while taking all the credit for the things that are acclaimed, encouraging my gullible fans to blame everything on them.
  6. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    coming soon... but i haven't decided yet if it's gonna be a real soon or sky soon i need to collect all my posts from this thread and categorise them as chapters but might wait until descending is leaked... where is that melanie martinez stan to deliver? we waited enough, nothing is coming as wbk
  7. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    No one wants to wake up to the news I woke up to this morning. No one. I was preparing my coffee, turning on wi-fi and the first thing I read is: “Night Time My Time celebrates its 9th anniversary”. I blinked my eyes countless times and I went on Lanaboards just to see more and more posts about it. I couldn’t believe it. My Masochism dream was over and there I was at 8AM sitting in my kitchen looking at the screen of my iPhone. I know this may sound a bit too much but… Yes. Tears started falling from my eyes and they wouldn’t stop. I don’t consider this to be an over dramatic reaction like many of you could easily consider. I look at it as unconditional love, dedication and passion. Something unexplainable, no one can translate love into words or even admiration. Some people get your attention and you don’t know why. And while I am fully aware that Sky Ferrari is not over, she is just a spoiled LA brat, I also am aware that she is once in a lifetime genius. It doesn’t matter how many times she lies. It doesn’t. She turned into strong and confident women and extremely inspirational. And no. I am not turning my back on Sky. This was a rough decision but I know what it's like to be in a place where you don't belong or feel included and sometimes... It's better to just lie. Yet, I always like to see things from the bright side and I am going to always support Sky Ferreira. She had an amazing and beautiful impact in my life. Capitol Records… Good luck. Masochism... Rest in peace. Sky… Thank You. You’ve given me the ultimate fan experience and you’ve been so inspirational. xoxo 111
  8. 111

    Instagram Updates

    i think it was the trailer for that movie or documentary or whatever that included beautiful people
  9. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    sky ferreira you will never be famous
  10. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    best song of all time now leak it
  11. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    i decide to have one (1) picture after all these years...
  12. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    not my pic and sky stanning
  13. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    i'm a legend and who are you supposed to be? slayyyter avi getting brave
  14. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    ntmt being a cute moment in 2013 got to her even though it's not even that good of an album y'all gassed her up and it got to her head and she started acting like a brat. you can tell she thinks she is so much better than everyone by the way she treats her staff, her audience and her peers. firing video editors and sound engineers, blaming her label for everything, the dozens of lies and broken promises to her fans and shading other artists publicly when she thinks they stole from her. and fine maybe that halsey video is similar and nasty cherry was an entire rip off but she didn't invent any of that shit (if you ask me it's projection, she literally takes her songs from others but can't stand whenever anyone does something remotely similar to her shit). she could have stayed humble and professional and worked on her music but she had to be a brat and make shady posts, did she win? no. nasty cherry was always irrelevant, halsey was right about her and did she also come for charli and burn that bridge when she found out about charli's nasty cherry involvement or am i making that up? either way my point stands. i hate the tumblr fags and pitchfork for gassing her up a decade ago when she was never that girl. NEVER
  15. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    the girl has been late to every show she had this year with sound issues and car crashes! capitol rightfully doesn't want to fund any of her shenanigans and waste money on her to get NOTHING back. i'm BEGGING all of you to read and understand this... she complained that capitol asked her to shoot the don't forget music video on an iphone even though many A-list artists from lady gaga to selena gomez has iphone shot music videos. idk if the video ended up being shot on film camera or an iphone, but miss thing fired the video editor and ended up not releasing the music video. if you were her label, would you want to fund her next mv or anything expensive she wants to do??? ofc billion dollar music industry labels are greedy capitalist assholes, but she thinks she deserves million dollar budgets for doing fuck all, making zero profit and completing NOTHING. she wants all that money so she can buy expensive directors and editors and songs because she still believes she is that shit for lucking out with NTMT, that she is some sort of a creative mastermind. ENTITLED SPOILED LA BRAT!! if she was anything of a creative genius artist she would need ZERO DOLLARS to make and release art. they don't trust you or have faith in you to fund you because you are untrustworthy, dishonest and a liar. FUCK OFF SKY.
  16. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    every time i have to read a post or comment acting like any of this is her label's doing i get furious
  17. 111

    Taylor Swift

    i trust my ears more than people with marina and the weeknd avis just calling the album "bad" and "mid" with random negative scores and no proper reviews... like please. "i want to like it so bad but i can't"... yeah i'd rather read paid reviews
  18. 111

    Taylor Swift

    reputa and lover were definitely too much to turn casual listeners into stans, the bulk of those albums were made for people who were already into her very much so, folklore and evermore definitely fixed her brand and standing with the GP gaining her a lot of respect but again they were too much to chew on for people who enjoyed some songs from her but thought she was trying too hard and doing too much, they were really heavy and narrative based albums... ofc all of these mentioned albums gained fans but MIDNIGHTS finds the perfect ground for being easily digestible for everyone while also making sure it's not a cringey fan servicey mess to turn off people who's checking it out, she has found the perfect balance for that! making it so appealing to everyone from the casual listening gaise and girlies to the GP and even the critics who can't help but to ACCLAIM this masterpiece and of course the swiffers. it's a record that could be listened across generations, across genders and sexual orientations, across casual listeners and pretentious music snobs...
  19. 111

    Taylor Swift

    this album is excellent
  20. 111

    Taylor Swift

    idk who said midnites is worse than lover but they lied major
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