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Everything posted by 111

  1. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    they are representatives. they do PR for artists. they secure brand deals and arrange public appearances like attendance to fashion shows and other events. they have nothing to do with music or releases. they are not management. she also has a publishing deal with Third Side Music. it just means they can globally license and publish her music to make money for her (and get a cut themselves). they also don't have anything do about getting her to record or release music. i don't know if she has a manager or management team. she sounds unmanageable. she must have some sort of tour manager or someone at Capitol/Third Side helping her out with booking shows and interviews, but that seems to be it. i seriously doubt she has any sort of solid team and i imagine it's due to her behaviour and her affinity toward firing everyone. when your label thinks you are difficult to work with, you act like a spoiled brat and fire professionals in your team and lose someone like Elton John who used to manage you, maybe you're the problem.
  2. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    y'all never learn huh
  3. 111

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    i was dancing alone in the dark with one of the friday boys!!
  4. ok let's calm down, LFL and NFR eras had MANY video and print interviews, music videos and other promotions. NFR was a mainstream cultural reset. but we getting more crumbs for tunnel than we did for bb and cocc and the mainstream loves her again so we eating
  5. that's why she is THE songwriter of our times... and not you bestie her brain is just too big
  6. honestly... she has never been more relatable like same girl
  7. oh you can tell she is that poet girl with the way she just can't say things like they are and has to make elaborate metaphors and sort of cover up the meaning in a beautiful way whenever she is explaining something, that's why she is the best songwriter of our generation like...
  8. she means she's not fully grounded in her sense of self to go for a romantic relationship again. and she says if you don't feel connected to who you are as a person, truly know yourself, then real love is unreachable/far away
  9. ok but what the hell is she talking with the weeknd i can't believe they are still besties... he a real one
  10. harpers bazaar made up for that atrocious print interview a thousand times with that video i-
  11. not her thinking she opened her glastonbury 2014 set with flipside??? MA'AM U HAVEN'T ACKNOWLEDGED NOR SANG THAT SONG BEFORE 2023 ARE U JOKING
  12. another pointless interview about her authenticity in retrospect and zero questions about music...
  13. rick and kieron have like 100+ mixes of say yes to allah (not exaggerating), the stint version you hear is actually mostly rick's production, stint just adds those really huge drums to whatever he's producing. so when you say it's closest to stint's honeymoon version, that is actually rick's og version just without the big drums and a few other little details.
  14. pff they are just trying to say because it's an EP it's not counted. it wasn't a traditional EP, it got singles, music videos, performances, major release and a film. that's an album baby. and it has 9 tracks if you count burning desire. the nonsense to think she counts AKA when she only started acknowleding it like very recently and INTERSCOPE/POLYDOR who has nothing to do with that album would consider it part of her discography? please...
  15. no one's saying it's an LP, but no matter how much you try to count it out based on the EP technicality, she and her labels count it as a major standalone album release in her discography. and she said born to die is her first album several times, she does NOT count AKA. your "factual" order is NOT facts!
  16. when i see people trying to count AKA and not paradise... worms for brains
  17. even she was struggling, there are videos of her hyperventilating and her body Red due to the heat
  18. well where is it? not on streaming or in stores that's right!
  19. the way she put violet on there... she is so unserious
  20. no one including lana considers AKA as her first album, paradise is an EP based on technicality and because interscope was doing reissues but it's considered a major release and a standalone record in her catalog (with burning desire it's 9 tracks and that's an album) just like THE FAME MONSTER by lady gags, so please stop trying to make AKA happen it's not gonna happen
  21. lana counts violet as well cause she's quirky like that, but her labels/management and fans all know LDRX is the next one!
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