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Everything posted by eatmyass666

  1. u guys need to stop. I mean like halsey is a pretty good artist if you've only listened to shitty music you're whole life. I mean like she's probably one of the most mediocre artists of our time but like you can't blame this person- they've probably never listened to anything outside of justin bieber and actual farts mashed together to make a song. I feel kinda bad for them tbh
  2. Born To Die - 19 Off to the Races - 22 Blue Jeans - 11 Video Games - 13 Diet Mountain Dew - 19 National Anthem - 18 Dark Paradise - 11 Radio - 16 Summertime Sadness - 11 Without You - 3 Lolita - 12
  3. On spotify today I saw this upcoming concert as well and it doesn't seem to be up anymore. I think I saw it around 2:30 pm chicago time??
  4. Apparently he sells snippets in exchange for nudes. He's saying it's not true but like people have screenshots of their conversations so idk.
  5. Now that we're on the topic of Jamie- I thought she made an instagram post a few years (or months ago I don't really remember) ago regarding their friendship and explaining that their friendship had just faded and they did not hate each other. Does anyone else know of this post? I haven't been able to find it since.
  6. two weeks ago it was also on mtv- I was in the campus gym and it was playing. I have a feeling they play it regularly or something.
  7. hey gays, eclipose here, lana personaly dm'd me on twitter an tld me she's releazing the album on agust of 2020. thx me latr
  8. eatmyass666


    Hey guys! I'm posting here b/c Kitty recently finished a new album in which she produced by herself and with the help of kickstarter backers. It has not come out yet, but she plans on setting a release date soon. I know this is a super old post, but just to keep everyone updated- kitty has completely changed her style of music from cringe rap songs she created in her closet to dream pop that is produced by professionals. Although she still does not receive much respect- her new album is suppose to be a new beginning for her. I'll post a few more recent songs just in case everyone had decided they hated her years ago when she came out with "okcupid". I will also probably post again when her album comes out officially.
  9. I just wish she'd stop attempting to give her fans a pet name- like how gaga calls her fans "monsters"- like lana, ur so much better than that, show ur fans more respect and just call them what they are- "fans"
  10. wait like, is this a joke lmao???? nina simone has been dead for 14 years
  11. I fucking love the font. it's so 60s styled and reminds me of twilight zone or something. I don't really mind it not being like her typical font... yall bitches are acting like she's using comic sans
  12. can someone please tell me if that's a bow on her head in the video??? its so cute
  13. I feel like she tried going back to this color last year but it failed miserably because of those ugly long bangs she had.. who tf told her she looks good in bangs?????
  14. I think her art is absolutely beautiful.. and if lana wants this album to be 70s style, the bold colors would work well. Even if you aren't a fan of her previous work, if Lana has a say in this (which clearly she does), it will probably not end up too out there or different
  15. BAR is a good song, but it'd be a damn shame if it was used as a promo single... People that aren't fans like us will just hear it and think "WOW another depressing lana song about a guy. skip".. it wouldn't bring in any new fans and it'd just give non-fans more of a reason to find her depressing. just my opinion
  16. can lana at least give us the fucking name of the album?? Like, that's not too much to ask for- and it'll let non-crazy fans know that she has an album coming. I don't think anyone that isn't obsessed w/ her has a clue that she has an album dropping this year. That would be the smart thing for her to do, but I think her and her management have yet to figure out how the music industry works lmao
  17. Lana should collab with woodkid. That one time they sang together it sounded amazing.. but i dont think woodkid is even focusing on music anymore
  18. I hate Halsey b/c she looks like she smells bad (like tacos and body odor) and her haircut is stupid.
  19. If lana is on the late late show tonight I swear I'm going to shit myself
  20. Same- I don't think she would do any hip-hop songs again, I think she's grown past that in her career and has sort of stuck to her genre. But, I wouldn't mind maybe like one collab with Abel or ASAP.. I just don't want the whole album to be collabs, especially if it's collabs with artists that don't blend well with her.
  21. Criticism- the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work. It is criticism, honey. And I find it unnecessary and childish to try so hard to defend a girl who couldn't give two fucks about u- but, then again, that's just my opinion.
  22. lmao and?? I think shes a pathological liar and untalented. Yall got offended for no reason.. I'm talking about a person you don't even know and probably never will. I don't get offended when people make fun of lana- that's just how it is on the internet
  23. I hate dark hair on lana. She looks good, don't get me wrong.. but like, lighter reddish brown looks a million times better
  24. if u can't take criticism of A MUSICIAN- you should log off lanaboards.. actually, might as well just log off the internet.
  25. thats your opinion that they sound nothing alike- After listening to them, I still think they sound basically identical- bebe's voice may be slightly higher but its the same annoying indie girl voice. I just think that type of singing is stupid and ANYONE can do it- it just shows me that they have no actual talent besides mimicking other singers.
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