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About Foolish

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    swimming in pussy cola
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    I know your wife and she wouldn´t mind.

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  1. Great choice of words. Nobody wants to pressure or hurt Lana here, lol. Or do you think otherwise ?
  2. To be honest she has been looking kinda depressed lately. But I see "Its just her choice to be depressed and people should not dare giving her advice!!!" LOL
  3. I didnt mean it as an insult. It was more like an advice. She is not fat. But working out is really good thing for your physical appearance and mental state.
  4. Maybe she should work out more. It helps ur face a lot, it wouldnt be so bloated.
  5. maybe because its pre oscar party. I just add that ring information for the engagement speculation (engagement rings are worn on left ringfinger)
  6. I tried to Google that picture. And no results except for some random russian server and Daily Mail. I really wonder what sources they use for their "creditable" work. I liked that picture but the layer with cartoon pictures seems ultra-indie and childish.
  7. Some photos were already posted in statuses but I decided it needed the whole thread (considering how dry we are now). You can see no ring on her left hand.
  8. Why did DailyMail post this as a cover of Ultraviolence ("with trademark by Interscope Records")?
  9. Its like irish folky Coldplay. Very easy to listen, gorgeous for travelling.
  10. Foolish

    Lykke Li

    I have to re edit my original post. Recently Ive fallen in love
  11. We still dont have the official release date of the album. I think thats more important thing to know, first of all. Edit: My English in the mornings
  12. Do you think Lana would let him announce the title song on his instragram ? I dunno, I rather think its just his personal quote on Lana, his instagram makes me feel this way.
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