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Everything posted by HunterSThompson

  1. We stan a gracious and generous QUEEN my GOD this performance will be awesome
  2. Cherry and In My Feelings are kind of iconic... like they are almost... playful, I think? Like the profanities in both seem so out of place it's almost funny and I am living for it. It took me a few listens but I love how playful both songs are. They have the potential to be such serious typical Lana songs but certain production/lyrical quirks completely change the song and create this caricature of Lana that critics/the GP assume of her. Lana is becoming so self-aware and comfortable with herself and her music, I love it.
  3. You won't find one on here x. We aren't allowed to discuss or ask for links here on LB!
  4. Heroin is one of my favorite Lana songs ever. I almost want to cry listening to it. The prechorus and chorus are so beautiful. Her voice. The lyrics. The production
  5. Tomorrow Never Came Heroin Change The holy trinity.
  6. GIRL I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Have a wonderful time but watch out for the violent gays and screaming girls
  7. Also! Where are you guys going to listen to the record? I'm going to sit by the ocean or the bay before work and listen to it, I think.
  8. Was just asking to create conversation sorry sis
  9. Yeah I'm def. listening to When The World Was At War first! Then Tomorrow Never Came then White Mustang and then the whole thing from start to finish! (will prob skip the two Rocky collabs since I overplayed them last week lol)
  10. What song are you guys going to listen to first once LFL drops?!
  11. The OP should be updated! There is no AHCA now, it's the BCRA. And yeah, @sexwithme is right, it's dead (hurray!). (so I guess updating the OP doesn't matter lol) Senators Lee and Moran just came out against it so there will not be a motion to proceed in the Senate.
  12. Maybe you should've spent less time on Lanaboards and more time campaigning POCs votes so we wouldn't be here sis
  13. Wouldn't surprise me to be honest! I'm expecting it to be in my top 5 at least. The melody is perfect and the lyrics are great, so far. I just hope the chorus is good, too.
  14. Do y'all think Tyler The Creator's new album is gonna be a problem for our good sis LFL?? I'm kind of worried it will outperform LFL
  15. Me going to sleep unbothered by the mess that is Lanaboards and trolls claiming to have material they clearly don't have Lust For Life is coming in a few days, y'all. Go to sleep eat some fruit or go outside or something. We made it this far, we can make it a few more days <3
  16. It's that time of an era again when everyone posts fake links and pictures of the upcoming record. Brace yourselves, ladies.
  17. I think "rumbling shores" just refers to the ocean; since she lives on the beach she can hear the waves as she falls asleep. And I think "the facts of life" just means the current state of the US and the world making it hard to dream positively.
  18. GUYS the link I used for the snippets isn't working for me anymore. Can someone send me a pico link? Anything that's not YouTube lol<3 thanks
  19. This. Change and Heroin back-to-back is gonna F me up so hard I don't think my body is ready for this???
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