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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. Not at all? She obviously means that these songs are so personal that writing about someone into it who isn't instrumental in her life wouldn't even cross her mind. We know that Lana has worked with and is friendly with many POC artists. Yes the wording on these comments and the lyric itself could have been better, but they're still not even THAT bad. When the lyrics is taken out of context yes it sounds weird but it still doesnt even make sense for it to be racially motivated. But thats a conversation for the lyrics thread. Lana isn't perfect and social media gives you the opportunity to comment instantly and without approval from someone else. But we KNOW what she means.
  2. loleetah

    Ariana Grande

    I want Needy as much as @@salvatore wants Yosemite at this point
  3. It is! Tomorrow. Hopefully she'll talk for a few minutes as well like with VB
  4. This makes so much sense I really hope it's the actual lyric
  5. Days gone without argument a completely irrelevant argument starting in this thread: 1 0
  6. I see. Thanks for sharing! I think we're all very used to Lana's songs following a certain narrative where it's easy to put the pieces together to know the story. I like that she's challenging us a bit and being more abstract.
  7. The single cover.... oh Lana Aside from whether or not it fits the song (which I don't think it does) it's just lazy. It's blatantly a random selfie she took when she was bored, it's not even framed nicely, it's cropped in the exact way an iPhone selfie is. It's just not a nice picture. Couldn't she at least have Chuck take a picture of her? I know she wants to go for a more unfiltered approach but this just reeks of "i don't feel like putting effort in"
  8. Yes same I feel like I get the feeling she's trying to portray but as far as what the actual lines mean, even reading over them I'm having trouble reinterpreting them in a way I can rephrase. And as a literature student who does that every single day for classes it's frustrating me, lmao
  9. I don't really...understand the song? I mean, it's beautiful, I love the sound of it. But the lyrics don't really make sense. I see some traces of talking about depression but I feel like it kind of gets lost. Can anyone share an interpretation of theirs?
  10. loleetah

    Melanie Martinez

    I'll be kind of disappointed if the album is called K-12, Bluffington is so much cuter
  11. Members posted that Lana should do a video or cover depicting her head in an oven a la Sylvia Plath's suicide. I said that she should not and the suggestion of it is disrespectful. Not even any drama, just differing opinions
  12. I remember this! Su Barbie A teas. Before anyone starts this wasn't her dressed as Sylvia, she was playing a depressed housewife character as part of the EH era
  13. .....Sylvia is not even close to being an unknown poet sis she's world renowned for her writing. If you're gonna make a comment like this at least know what you're talking about
  14. I agree, but when has Lana ever been in it to shock people? The lyrics about abuse and drugs were always just expressions of her own experience, not an attempt to make people gasp. That's why I don't think she would ever pull a shocking public stunt like that.
  15. For sure! I was referencing the kind of things Lady Gaga did in the beginning of her career, like the meat dress, the religious imagery, etc. I don't really think anything Lana has done is on that level of "controversial", and I can't see her being interested in doing that kind of thing. Her way of eliciting response has always been transgressive lyrics, I think she will stick to that. She thinks she's funny sis let her have her delusions
  16. Lana was never really "controversial" in a way that would offend people, just in that her music and persona were divisive and people disagreed with the messages in her lyrics. She never pulled any controversial stunts. Why would she start now?
  17. Honestly, now that the title is changed, I don't think she'll even reference Sylvia much. There only seems to be one mention of her in the lyrics, I thought before the whole song would have lines of her poetry. I feel like the overarching concept has changed a bit
  18. You of all people would think that a take like this is taste
  19. Well, if it's a movie about Sylvia's life and death of course it's not wrong because it's trying to portray something that happened seriously. She's also not the only one that's ever killed herself that way. A female singer, who wrote a song about Sylvia, using an image of herself with her head in the oven is disrespectful to Sylvia because it makes light of her suicide. The song isn't even about suicide. Lana could recreate another photo of living Sylvia. This is recreating a historical event and it isn't graphic. An image of someone's head in an oven is very graphic.
  20. Her sticking her head in an oven accompanied by a song that heavily references Sylvia is basically a recreation, it'd be easy to understand the reference. It's wrong. Using someone's untimely death as a concept is just wrong. There's plenty of other ways for her to channel Sylvia's work without being distasteful.
  21. Yes, she was clinically depressed her whole life and sadly committed suicide. If you're not familiar with her work I recommend The Bell Jar!
  22. Oh my god Lana should absolutely not recreate Sylvia Plath's death for a video or cover, what is wrong with y'all. How disrespectful. That isn't even "problematic," I'm sure Sylvia still has living relatives who don't want to see her suicide recreated for a cute little concept.
  23. Something like the third one, just Lana looking gorgeous in a garden...ugh dreams!
  24. loleetah

    Jackson Says

    The self drag of bragging about making fun of and bullying kids in your school?? mawma this is garbage
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