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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. loleetah


    Its okay sis I thought you were throwing shade for no reason no harm done i woulda said the same thing
  2. I love getting snippets in the car while she's singing and serving face but she really needs to stop filming herself while driving it concerns me
  3. loleetah


    Hey guys I just started getting into Sophie I love Its Oka-
  4. just what immediately comes to mind: Born To Die - Lana Off To The Races- Lana Cloudbusting- Kate Bush Violet- Hole Rhiannon -Fleetwood Mac Teen Idle- Marina Tears Dry On Their Own- Amy Winehouse
  5. I don't think we'll see Bartender on NFR, but she did talk about Sylvia around the same time. Maybe she retitled it and we may not realize
  6. I had a lot of fun watching Bandersnatch but the ending I got was really unsatisfying. For basically being the first ever movie to attempt this it was really cool, but i don't feel like all the directions it went in made for a satisfying story. Im confused by what they were trying to say with this movie.
  7. The only correct way to listen to IMF is....not at all
  8. AND the brown cow song, and saying "America" and "stunning" in every sentence. Like yeah. Brown cow stunning. We know ma. Same with Monet and the sponges. And Naomi and legs. It was funny the first time and now it's really not.
  9. in the words of Trixie Mattel, "If I see a cow and and a sponge every episode I'm going to break my TV"
  10. Anyone have a link to watch episode 1?? i can't find it anywhere and I missed it live
  11. I honestly do not want any leaks this era, I was so thirsty for them during LFL but look what the BAR leaks have given us I have no doubt if tracks leak (especially cinnamon) we'll have another total overhaul of the album themes and rushed newer material. Plus we know how hard Lana's taken leaks in the past. i just want this album in its perfected state and not have songs we already love be scrapped due to leaks. That doesnt include LFL or HM outtakes tho. or life is beautiful
  12. I really hope those are fake lyrics but I remember how sure I was that the LFL tracklist was fake too
  13. With Jack on the record too, I don't think he'd want Lana to make some cobbled together mess of a song that was made in 3 minutes and put it on the album. He seems to have a really strong sense of direction with all his works and even if I don't like some of his work, it rarely sounds rushed
  14. I'm for sure not against Lana veering into a different territory but I understand the immediate backlash against country. It's not really a genre Lana's fanbase is interested in and its not really something people want to hear from her. There's a lot of good country but the majority of it is really fucking bad, but that doesn't mean Lana's iteration of it will be
  15. I think the Paradise tour was a really strong time for her too, fashion-wise. It wasn't as over-the-top as her BTD looks but still very classic and beautiful and evocative. I loved her long dark hair and weird vintage dresses.
  16. True. I do feel like the March 19th date from mtv is plausible though, I hope she'll confirm soon
  17. Did we ever get any confirmation that NFR is actually done and all tracks are like mastered and ready to go? Maybe she didn't feel happy with the current iteration of it and decided to push back the date, which could either mean rushed Garageband tracks or really refined ones with lots of time put into it
  18. I remember an interview with Chuck that said she laughed at Lana becoming a "style icon" because she actually has no sense of fashion.. I think she just doesn't have a stylist and throws on whatever now, and doesn't really care
  19. I'm in NYC, and I'm not going to the show but i kind of want to go to the venue to see if I can see her around..does anyone know if she says hi to fans and whatnot after shows? I know she has in the past, but I haven't seen any fan photos very recently
  20. I live in NYC and i'm really debating going to this but the only artist I really care to see is Lana and the tickets are quite expensive
  21. I'm not sure about the album title, but for VB i feel like it with just be written like "B****", like how FMWUTTT was
  22. i know this post was a joke but it keeps me up at night thinking there are people who actually want think and this it would sound even remotely good
  23. loleetah


    You really can't compare Poppy and XXXT. The horrific things X did while he was alive are not remotely on the same level of what Poppy's being accused of, working with someone who was manipulative and an asshole to his ex. Yes there are some points to be made regarding whether or not Poppy copied Mars's character. But she didn't beat her until her face broke, or beat a gay man nearly to death for looking at him. Have your problems with Titanic Sinclair for being a weirdo but you simply cannot include Poppy in the ring of music industry abusers.
  24. loleetah

    Billie Eilish

    I know i've ripped on Billie before and I still think she's somewhat cringey but holy fuck...WTPO is a MASTERPIECE. It is seriously so beautiful, vocals are on point, production SNATCHED, wow I'm really impressed.
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