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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. I don't know if I'm more excited for the album or to see if this gets to 2000 pages lmao! The snippets have me dyingggg. I'm gutted I missed the glitter posting but glad I skipped out on warning points.
  2. I know if I go I'll die happy tonight holy shittt. Any little doubts I have are goneee. There's something for everyone on this album, a true masterpiece omgg I'm crying
  3. I didn't really like the songs at first, like I thougjt they were ok but was underwhelmed....but they are really really growing on me today <3 Have I missed anymore news???
  4. I am rushing my lab work which I should deffo not be doing omg I feel so stressed I'm gna miss it!!!
  5. If you type out the interview I will worship you because I'm likely going to miss it
  6. I am back from holiday and my supervisors just asked me to come in for a meeting at 3pm when the songs are coming at 5pm in UK!!! Time to lace up my running shoes so I can sprint the fuck home for this premiere. I am so ready!!! And even more excoted to be back and able to keep up with all you hoes <3 Missed y'all so much!
  7. I am on holiday and have the worst phone service omg whats happened?? A friend texted me that a groupie love snippet leaked?
  8. Omg White mustang exceeded my expectations from the last snippet and my expectations were sky high cause it was my fave snippet of the whole era!!!!!
  9. You have real talent. Condensed like 30 pages for me into 3 points <3 thanks xx I'm more excited for Groupie Love now than before omgg
  10. Omg I am so out of the loop! What have I missed guys? Update me please.
  11. Yeah exactly. I don't want to have heard too much of the album before it actually comes. Those final two songs will round off what we've heard so far nicely and leave plenty of fresh songs to hear on the 21st
  12. @Terrence Loves Me you're one of my faves. Never stop postingg babe x I can't wait for the two new songs you guys. I really hope they're cherry and summer bummer. I come back from holiday the day before the preorder so something to help me combat the post holiday blues!
  13. I always worry when her last album will be. Been worrying since like Born to die when I read she had said she didn't see herself making another record because she didn't have anything else to say.
  14. Thanks guys really wasn't sure as I hadn't done it before. I think I preordered honeymoon late anyway. I'm not that dumb I swear lmao
  15. I just mean I want a CD preorder not an itunes/digital one hahaha and idk if I preordered the CD off amazon I'd instantly get the songs. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well hah
  16. So how does this preorder work? I haven't preordered anything since honeymoon lmao. Is it only like for digital copies you get the songs? I'd want the CD ideally but would that come with the two songs?
  17. Holy shit that is a lot of pages. So preorder on the 12th?! YAY! Did i miss anything else???
  18. I'm feeling it. I'm more excited for it now tbh than with the other snippet!
  19. Ok deffo worth combing through the pages then lmao! I'm so thirsty. Thanks
  20. WHAT happened?! So many pages and I've just arose from slumber!
  21. I would pay money to be a fly on the wall in the life of Lana and her team. Just to know what goes through their mind at times like this (probs nothing) and when they're making logistical decisions for the album.
  22. https://twitter.com/tropicodelrey/status/880524738900230144 This has me dead
  23. Summer bummer really lives up to its name....
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