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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. If it leaks (which I think it will) I'll be beyond pissed. I was already so upset the LfL mv went up an hour early on that chinese site.
  2. Now I have to listen to the fucking Halsey album for the first time tomorrow like I said I would if it didn't come *cries* I hope you're happy lana!
  3. I hope you're not being serious and are just being dramatic. If what you have said is true please do take a break bc this is not healthy at all. You shouldn't make yourself ill over something like this. Hope you're ok xx
  4. When i woke up this morning and saw that tweet I knew my day would be horrible. I tanked my presentation but I was excited to come back home and read through this mess and you guys did not disappoint! July is ridiculous. I hope we don't get anymore singles and I'm deleting the new songs from my itunes just for the simple fact I will be so bored from overplaying them. I don't want to hear this much of the album so far in advance at all. I also despise how she's announced this. Other than those reasons, I'm ok with July.
  5. I'm going to bed now can't take the pain anymore this thread brings out the dramatic side and the worst in me lol (in a good way)
  6. team august will just be a bunch of people who enjoy pain!
  7. of course we are honey!! deep down the hope never dies #secretlyteammayforever
  8. I had been cheating emotionally on team May over the last few days anyways lmao oops
  9. Just for the record if it does come out Friday I will brag and say' told you so' as if I never denounced my faith in Team May 26th in the first place.
  10. i just can't believe we did this to ourselves lmfao we are so dumb
  11. I don't even know what to think anymore I'm so overwhelmed with facts and conspiracies and FAKE NEWS
  12. Damn you and your logic and intelligence just let us live with our delusions
  13. I quit team May too tbh. Its just not realistic. So sad as I was such a huge TEAM MAY supporter
  14. Just tell your villagers you'll be back soon duh
  15. Oh I know just thinking maybe someone should gift her a dictionary at her next concert with SOON definition higlighted and a little post it to mark the page so she knows where to turn to....
  16. Soon suːn/ adverb 1. in or after a short time. "everyone will soon know the truth" Synonyms: in a short time, shortly, presently, in the near future, before long, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a twinkling, in the twinkling of an eye, before you know it, any minute (now), any day (now), any time (now), by and by
  17. Guys I was practising using the laser pointer and microphone today for my presentation tomorrow with my friend and for some STUPID reason I decided to test the mic by singing V LOUDLY "My pussy tastes like pepsi cola" and I realised there were people in the projection box at the top of the lecture theatre.....I'll never live this down. She had better release on friday bc I embarassed myself because of her!!!!!
  18. Excuse me but what is the number for this hotline? I'd like to add it to speed dial.
  19. Guys wtf I got called into the labs super last minute and now I've missed page 1000! I could cry!!!! Have I missed anything?
  20. The album will have 75 tracks, of which 60 will be collabs. Life is beautiful will be on there too. NOT A RUMOUR.
  21. We soon won't have to imagine.. it'll become our reality
  22. Yes I can't wait to hear it!!! <3 I believe it was taken off so the video could get more views
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