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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. If that french magazine was correct and its coming out July. I'm going to unlearn the language and never holiday in France ever again. It neeeeeds to be Friday plsss
  2. Did anything happen?? I finally escaped the labs!!!
  3. Thank you <3 and Arcadia too. I love it so fucking much. The timing has been perfect bc I was on a break and now I can go back to actually doing some work lmao! SO PERFECT
  4. Trust me you don't wanna trade lives lmao. I don't get paid. It's a uni placement and I'm not allowed to touch anything without supervision *cries* plus they do gross things inside this lab. NOT AS GROSS AS THIS LEAK THO
  5. It is real. I thought it was fake but I got 40 secs in and realised it deffo wasn't. Fucking threw my phone across the room abd trashed the whole lab I'm working in.
  6. Thank you both so much <3 I'll understand if you forget out of excitement! Back to the labs I go. Only thing getting me through this day is this MV!!!
  7. Can someone please please MESSAGE me or @ me or quote me when the video comes out??? I'm trapped in a hideous lab all day and can only really look at my emails not 100s of LB pages. I want to be notified quicklyyyyy :'( I will love you forever!
  8. Some people on here make me feel so unsafe lmao
  9. You say this but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if she accidentally posted it lmao
  10. Did she post another pic and then immediately delete it? I got a notification she posted another photo but when I clicked it wasn't available....
  11. Ted needs to shift his ass in to gear. So fed up of refreshing the Facebook page!!!
  12. Imaging wearing that cute skirt and putting a hoodie over it. She looked cute tho
  13. I fucking missed it. Brb taking a shot of bleach and heading to bed xoxo
  14. I swear to god I have 9am starts at uni and I have no trouble staying awake til 3am. Today I'm a woman of leisure wanting to stay up to see her fave and there is a 99% chance I'll accidentally fall asleep before 2am!
  15. I hope its not called Cherry tbh. Cherries and Wine is fine but not Cherry by itself....
  17. I'll have to have a look at moonxxshowers but I know what you mean. I'm just waiting for hollyweirdhotline to get something right by mistake and never hear the end of it
  18. Urgh Hollyweirdhotline irritates me so much. Posts and then deletes it when they're obviously wrong about stuff.
  19. If I wan't sure about staying up that late for Cherry I fucking am nowwwww honeysss. I'm here for high notes!
  20. If she ever did anything to do with Go Go Dancer I'd instantly die happily and my soul would be lifted to heaven.
  21. We're the masters of our own fate. We're the captains of our own souls. So pls lets just remain calm between now and the 26th and see what happens bc I swear some people are going to have such huge meltdowns (including me ._.)
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