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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. Has anyone seen the lyrics posted on genius? Are they fake? (i'm assuming so but wanted to ask the more knowledgable on here)
  2. God I hope its trueeee and we get something in the next couple days. I'll need a pick me up cause I start my research full time on Monday after being a lazy student for 4 years *cries*
  3. Why is it when I log off for an hour shit happens. I'm gagging. Also guys if you hate the title you can just change it on your itunes or w/e its not that serious.
  4. I hope you get it. I'm sure you will but If you change your mind I really wouldn't mind grabbing you a copy and sending it to you
  5. I got mine from there but I'm based UK though. It still took a while but i got it. This seems waaay too long! You tried getting a refund? I've seen a copy today in my WHSmith so there are still some about.
  6. Once I get my copy of Elle magazine on Tues, that'll keep me satisfied for a minimum 4 days. Then I need something real Lanakins!
  7. I'll be on here spreading tha news instantly don't you worry
  8. I was meant to be studying and then all this drama happened. Going to flop in my exam tomorrow oops. I complain about this era being dry and about her silence but I'm gna stop cause she's giving us so many magazines + more social media presence and I'm just so happy! I really want Paris Match though ffs I'm so disgustingly thirsty and desperate for it that I sent a message to the photographer and Paris Match insta account. I hope SOMEONE replies Edit: Ps Why do some people have cute little phrases above their pro pics and how do I get one?????
  9. she looks so good She's using that oil all the beauty bloggers used. I promised myself it wasn't worth the money and it was all hype but watch me go to the shops tomorrow to buy some now Lana is using it
  10. ok this is awks she looks about 12... did I just shade a child on twitter ?
  11. You did! So honoured! Feel like a celeb has followed me <3
  12. @Elle someone called Elle liked one of my tweets and I went to check and it was you lmao so honoured!
  13. I feel sorry for whoever that guy is in the pic everyones commenting "go fuck yourself" on hahahaha lmao! Not gna stop me commenting tho
  14. "We went to read all the quotes" like does she even realise the full thing isn't out!?
  15. Pathetic bitter hag tbh. She's probably happy her nonexistent "career" got some attention. Ican't understand how it can be your job to write shitty articles like that. What happened to drive and career ambition?
  16. Its the same woman that wrote the current article? I'm so confused. Also imagine studying journalism for 3 years to go and rip off "research" from a forum lol
  17. These song titles are so relevant to me. I have my ageing and health examination tomorrow lmao
  18. If nothing else I discovered this artist on here and I freaking love her ! Thanks for sharing!
  19. Has anyone ordered from newsstand.co.uk? I think its on there!
  20. I had to look twice at this photo lmfao cause I thought he had his arm around her
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