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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. With the amount of fear, desperation and uncertainty people will believe anything in these dark times!
  2. Thank you <3 I worked very hard on this! I deffo can't stay up longer so night night everyone <3
  3. I scrapped my thesis in favour of this presentation guys check it out http://imgur.com/a/wWVU4
  5. You're living the life I desire I'm secretly really lazy and hate studying yet I still have 5 more years of uni bringing me up to 9 years total spent studying. Not to mention my training years after that. I kinda wish I had never gone to uni sometimes....
  6. Feel free to feel sorry for me cause I don't get summer off this year so Lana has to provide the LUST FOR LIFE I so greatly require
  7. We all gotta start somewhere hahaa! 5 years? What are you studying? I did my BSc thesis in 3rd and final year. Its not as bad as you think it'l be. It can be quite enjoyable!
  8. Good luck with yours! I can just imagine my break down during the presentation like " So, as you can see here this graph shows that.... LANA HAS NOT STATED A RELEASE DATE FOR LUST FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  9. Thank you <3 Its just my starter presentation stating my plan/ideas before I properly start my actual research but still super nervous!
  10. Me too lol! I have to present my masters thesis on Thursday and yet here I am
  11. I really wanna go to bed soon but I also wanna be here for page 1000. We're all so on edge the slightest thing could rocket us to 1000
  12. Its killing all of us. She has us jumping to conclusions left and right
  13. I think I did it with unidays (Im in UK) I can't remember bc it was so long ago (I have been a student for all eternity and will continue to be for the forseeable future #idontwannabeanadult) Oooh yes Grazia I'm excited for that one. I am so going bankrupt this era!
  14. Same w my spotify. Dead cheap cause I'm still a student hehehe
  15. So what magazines do we have left guys? Just curious if we'll get more tracklist. V mag?
  16. Exactly its just so bad to make things exclusive on any platform. (I'd be happier than w apple music cause I have spotify lol but i'd feel bad for other Stans).
  17. Well for me personally, I pay for spotify. I understand artists need to make a living too and I have always supported Lana from the start. I buy all her CDs, singles, merch etc. To then go and make it an apple exclusive would be disrespectful and alienate a lot of the fanbase who either can't afford the service or pay for another one already. Loyal fans would be denied the album for some time if they were unable or unwilling to pay for apple music. I mean not sure she will do it so I'm not attacking yet, just my thoughts on all artists really who do it. (And all this assuming its digital release first like some people are saying before physical).
  18. GUYS PLS STOP HAHAH you're making too much sense and I reaaaally really don't want it to be apple exclusiveeeeee
  19. I buy everythanng dont worryyy hahah! just wouldn't be too happy if it was an apple music exclusive
  20. To be honest I'm not that type that would be like OMG UNSTANNING. But she would lose my respect if she did that for sure. I pay for a streaming service already and I buy her CD's merch etc. So disrespectful when artist's do this exclusive BS.
  21. So if that happened, I would theoretically have to pay for apple music to get it?
  22. We had best not get anything until she releases cherry first. What is she waiting for????
  23. I seriously fucking hate you all I HIGHKEY thought it sounded ok at first before you know......
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