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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. I seriously fucking hate you all I HIGHKEY thought it sounded ok at first before you know......
  2. My cum does not my actual dick. That'd be stupid!
  3. That was my given name yes but I changed it to Francesco when I dated Lana. She didn't like to yell "OH YES GIVE IT 2 ME PIZZARESCO" in bed you know
  4. I'm your national anthem boy put your hands up, give me a standing ovulatioooooon
  5. You bet. Lana told me I was her best lover over text last week xoxo
  6. Well actually I'm Francesco and that was just a rumour Ciao I've actually heard Spank Bank and its her best work! Heard it when I was in Italy with her
  7. SO many INSIDERS on here!!! do tell us all you know PLEASE PLEASE
  8. #TBT I was crying of laughter that day. Poor @@LDR5 That's it! Arcadia=China.Palace 100% confirmed
  9. I can't tell if you're serious or not. Bc it seems like someone's being accused of being Jorge every 10 pages!! Lmao!
  10. I love you but you always say something is going to happen today lolol!
  11. I caught up on all these pages expecting disappointment/boring release date talk then i got to the fake gays post and cackled for 10 minutes.
  12. I agree with this. I'm convinced its coming Friday and I'm ready to be dragged if it doesn't come. Fate accepted.
  13. This Fridy if there's no album I'm actually going to listen to this Halsey y'all talk about so much! See if she actually is "Ratsey" like you all claim lol.
  14. I know <3 I'm so glad I joined LB in time for this era. Wish I knew it existed sooner. So nice to share it all with fellow fans (and watch meltdowns and fights and general drama)
  15. sign me upppp if there is one need to practice cause I only speak English 24/7 and its sad I'm losing the language I grew up with after living abroad for so long (i know 0 spanish speakers)
  16. Estoy completamente de acuerdo. Lana merece mas. Espero cuando ya llegue el album que me olvido rapidamente de este "era" de mierda. Este era tenia tanto potencial y lo estropearon. Lo unico que podemos hacer en este momento es quedarnos tranquilo y esperar el album. (lo siento si he escrito mal pero me mudé al reino unido hace 4 años y nunca hablo espanol)
  17. This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  18. You see, I know what you're saying is 100% logical and I agree with you! but I still want to tell you to STFU BC ITS COMIN MAY 26TH
  19. Guys look at this rare photo of Ben http://imgur.com/M89nZFj
  20. Crying !!!! I can always count on you to bring the laughs on here
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