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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. I'm about to drink myself into oblivion so I can forget ever reading this July release bullshit
  2. Lust for life is in a coma and needs to be revived asap pls
  3. Omg its so good! I didn't like her more recent music very much but this sounds really promising!
  4. I literally can't tell if you're a fan or not
  5. Oh god i need to get more with it hahah(I'll follow their insta) If it wasn't for this site I would literally know nothing!
  6. So the Paris Match issue coming out on the 11th isn't Lana's? I thought it was! I was really excited
  7. I spend too much time on this site. I just went to play honeymoon and when I went to search it I literally typed in comamoon.
  8. Why do some people on here think they're the shit? I can't cope
  9. I've already made peace there will be no release on the 26th. Cause she said she wanted to release more songs before the release didn't she? There's hardly any time for that at this point :/
  10. I really hope its not a "surprise" release bc i don't want to phone in sick to work. I'd rather book the day off in advance.
  11. excuse me! There is deffo room for a Marina collab!
  12. HOW TF am i supposed to go to sleep now after seeing this?!?!??
  13. I would listen to her if she said stuff lmao. Can't listen to silence really.
  14. The woman has made us all feral with her silence. Pls say something Lizzy...restore peace to your fans. But seriously I hope when the album comes we can all look back and laugh at this stuff hahaha. We need to focus and do well on our exams and then we will have the album to look forward to! Good luck all <3
  15. I'm so jealous! Congrats! My finals are next week!
  16. I strongly identify with this statement. My days are filled with questions running through my mind that weren't there before. Where's the promo? Why isn't she charting/on radio? Where's the tracklist? Where's life is beautiful? Why won't she state the release date? What time is it in LA? Could her managers be doing better? Will she release something this Tuesday?
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