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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. Can someone just release it or leak it ffs and put me out my misery. I'm gna make a petition to the film company I swear. Lana doesn't have the rights to the song correct?
  2. If I was given Life is Beautiful I'd never ask for anything again......
  3. If someone asked me when it was released I would say like 2 months ago lol it feels like an eternity
  4. I think you're right *cries* the wait is really getting to me now even though we literally just got LFL.
  5. Ok no then lmao I consider myself a patient woman but I feel like we're being pushed too far now .. He should leak it then! (Im jokin btw before someone jumps down my throat)
  6. I will never stop crying over life is beautiful any big updates on the album?
  7. I bought the last copy from my WHSmith too yesterday hence why I don't want this one *cries*
  8. Mine hasn't shipped either. Anyone know how to cancel the order? Do we have to contact them? I can't see an option to cancel
  9. I'm probably gna go into town today and buy a copy and sell my other one if it ever comes.....
  10. I emailed yesterday and this morning again. Complaining on twitter is embarrassing to me hahah sorry
  11. Guys have we been conned or somethin with the magazine. It's weird they aren't responding to anyone.....
  12. I've emailed as well. I would call but I have a phobia of talking on the phone lol. I may call tomorrow though if they don't reply (or get my mum to call lol)
  13. This magazine is giving me serious anxiety. I'm so pissed we don't have it yet (those who preordered). I went into WHSmith just to look at it and almost had a full blown fight with the employee. He tried to tell me they didn't stock 'that magazine'. I was like I've JUST seen someone walk out of here with it. TELL ME WHERE IT IS. He says well which one you looking for and I say the one that came out today with Lana. He tries to tell me that a new one hasn't come out. I'm honestly trying hard not to punch him at this point. He's being super bitchy. I make him help me find it and there's one copy left and he says 'we have had this cover for a month'. BITCH NO YOU HAVEN'T WHY U LYIN FOR?! Sorry I'm super pissed I paid extra to 'pre order' when I could have paid half the price and had it today.
  14. Do we think we will get it WITHOUT HIS VOICE I like it but I also want it just her
  15. http://pitchfork.com/news/71945-listen-to-lana-del-rey-and-the-weeknds-new-song-lust-for-life/?mbid=social_twitter
  16. http://pitchfork.com/news/71945-listen-to-lana-del-rey-and-the-weeknds-new-song-lust-for-life/?mbid=social_twitter
  17. Dont worryyyy babyyyyyy omgggggg this is too much for me
  18. WHAT hahaha I had no idea I thought it's be like a normal festival Awhh sorry to hear! Hope the song makes you feel a little better <3
  19. Hmmm how much were they originally? I'd say if people were selling them cause they can't attend it'd be at least the original price of the ticket if not slightly less. If not they should all probably be double the price tbh like those twats that buy up tickets to sell them for profit
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