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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. We're the masters of our own fate. We're the captains of our own souls. So pls lets just remain calm between now and the 26th and see what happens bc I swear some people are going to have such huge meltdowns (including me ._.)
  2. You are too much 100% gna have to give her a heads up now
  3. I'm staying over at my sister's tonight so I'm going to have to put on the quietest alarm for 2am and sneak off to her bathroom :')
  4. They don't want to get hurt lmfao. I think it's coming next Friday but I'm trying to supress that thought because I don't want to be horribly disappointed.
  5. I loved the Love MV don't get me wrong but I hope the LFL is more just her. I miss the sort of self-indulgent videos from BTDera where the focus was for the most part her. I would have preferred if the Love MV was just her in space with her man than those randoms lol (but I get why it was like that).
  6. The memes and gifs are really high quality today guys. At least we have that
  7. Im having unholy thoughts about leaks atm and I want it to stop. Satan is inside me.
  8. I assumed she meant the video cause she tagged the Weeknd but I can't pretend to understand the complex inner workings of her mind (including how she perceives the word SOON).
  9. Wait, sorry if i'm being dumb. Does she mean the whole album or the video?
  11. Come thru for us Ted. If she says ''soon'' smack her.
  12. If she doesn't sing Cherry tomorrow I'm walking to the nearest bridge and jumping straight off.
  13. I have an extra copy that my mum surprised me with but I had already bought my own. If anyone wants to buy it let me know- its unopened. Just for the normal store price + shipping
  14. Guys a shop from my home country got back to me and they say they don't have a date yet :/ Like I said previously we normally get stuff a couple weeks after UK but I was sure they'd have a date by now
  15. Not even Cherry could hold me to July. Where is the album we need the damn album!!
  16. The single on my spotify is Lust for Life though. Not Lust For Life. You normally don't put those words in capitals (like and, the, of etc). Tryna keep my hope aliveeee
  17. July 21 had best be a lie. I don'teven care that much about May 26th as long as its actually a SPRING release like she said it would!!! I'm super hyped again for the album though. Cherry got me wet.
  18. After hearing that snippet I want that song more than anythingg (even LIB).
  19. An old friend just messged me on facebook looking for info on Lana cause she knows I'm basically a fucking Lana maniac from when we used to go to school together. She asked me when LFL is coming out cause she wants another born to die and HM and UV sucked and she wants the whole album to be like the LFL ft weeknd. I blocked her dw.....
  20. If there is a UK tour someone from here needs to come with me goddd i'm gagginggg
  21. I'm going to get my mum to ask at local shops in my home country. We always get things 2 weeks or so after the UK so hopefully the date they give her will be 2 weeks after 26th lmao!
  22. Sorry to be a pain but did universal not put up the date as 26th of May? D; can anyone send a screenshot? There's too many pages to look back on. I can't understand why they'd put up that date if its July....
  23. Can someone put up pics of the mag pretty please? Wanna decide if ts worth buying or not seeing as she's not on the cover xo
  24. I hate myself for being so excited about Paris Match. The pics are nice tho can I buy it in UK?
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