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Everything posted by gogodancer

  1. I quit my degree, dumped my boyfriend and removed my friends and family from my life by faking my own death. I sold my flat and moved away to a secluded shack in rural Spain. I sit on my laptop every hour of the day hitting refresh waiting for the album. I have all my food delivered and a cleaner that comes once a week so I don't have to take time off my refreshing. Also I only sleep for 20 minute periods at a time so I don't miss anything.
  2. We are too fuckin dumb to know what it is edit: Unrelated but I'm buzzing I dont have newbie on my profile anymore hahah
  3. I'd imagine its actually quite exhausting and hard work. Fame must be awful too. But I'd much rather be doing photoshoots and singing 24/7 than studying/working long hours in a hospital or lab like I do now lmao.
  4. If the album's cancelled my whole life is cancelled thanks very much
  5. My excitement is wavering tbh....my tiny brain just can't comprehend why she won't state the release date.
  6. Wtf is a dua lipa? ._. If people were talking plagiarism before I think we deffo need to revive the topic for these......(And yea i prefer party goer Lana too)
  7. This woman is attending too many parties and not working on feeding us pls lana
  8. This album is going to save my summer so please stick to that spring release Lans
  9. Cool haha but you need to lighten up a little
  10. I think all the individuals guilty of hoarding what is essentially a national treasure should be put in prison for life. I will continue to cry myself to sleep every night that I don't have LIB.
  11. that pic has me fed for the next 12 hrs but i want something new when i wake up ffs
  12. I love this. She looks so cute. This should have been the cover instead. She's never done something this style before <3
  13. Is a video confirmed at this point? Or is it wishful thinking on our parts?
  14. All my basic b friends keep telling me what a rubbish MV it was and asking if I still like her. I just want to head butt them all.
  15. I'm about to get a bin bag and throw away all my lana merch if she doesn't come thru soon *cries*
  16. If by "love" you mean visciously assault with a barrage of online abuse....Sign me up.
  17. That's possible too I guess considering the Spring 2031 release date!
  18. After hearing it in full I think it'll be track 78 on LFL...
  19. I'll look forward to that (as long as ofc she lives til like 100)
  20. That was a riot. I was so young and naïve back then.
  21. I will not die until I've heard LIB. Sorry if my hope pisses people off. If it leaks 200 years from now so be it. I'm gna pay money to be cryogenically frozen and have someone wake me up when it leaks.
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