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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. Still hoping that BOZ’s big “surprise” that he was referencing is a visual for every song on the album. And that’s why it’s taking forever to see any videos, because she’ll release them all at once?
  2. Got my refund from Rolling Stone. Magazine never came. Figures. I’m feeling pretty done with any Lana associated merch right now. :-/
  3. Debating getting tickets to see her in SF with my sister but I’m in Fresno and the stress of traveling and saving money for the trip is kinda making me think I should just stay home. Idk. If it were Lana I’d find a way to make it work like I did for Berkeley in 2019, but Sky and her reputation? Idk.
  4. I moved too before a lot of packages from her store could get to me. I put a forward on my address at the post office and am crossing my fingers I still get everything. Not sure what will happen if the stuff I ordered gets sent back undelivered, I’ll be so pissed.
  5. Still no rolling stone mag. Asking for a refund. It’s been almost two months. I asked for a refund a month ago and they said to keep waiting. I’m tired of waiting. So unprofessional.
  6. Idk, the new album has grown on me. I listen to it here and there. Still a big no regarding the aesthetic though
  7. Anybody else think Sky sort of looks like a young Grace Zabriskie?
  8. I truly love the new album and adore all the alt covers, but there’s still something about the standard UV cover that will always have some weird hold on me. edit: I’m so high I just now realized I was in the blue banisters thread. I could have sworn I was in the Ocean discussion thread… my bad. Yeah I love the Blue Banisters covers too, it felt she was really back to form after that choice of the Chemtrails standard cover.
  9. Yup, I got nothing today again. I’m really sad because I love the interview and wanted to read/own the physical version. Maybe one day it will show up and surprise me :-/ I hope yours shows up soon!!
  10. Still waiting on my rolling stone magazine. Not sure why I still have hope that I’m getting it at all…
  11. Yes, ordered from the website. I’m hoping it comes soon. What a mess.
  12. Still no rolling stone magazine. They never replied to my email either. I guess I just have to assume it’s not coming and my money was wasted? Damn.
  13. So just in general… have you guys been opening and playing all of your variants or are you leaving some unopened? So far I’ve played my Amazon vinyl and my target vinyl. Haven’t opened my white vinyl yet or picture disc… curious how they sound, but am also considering leaving them untouched. Do you think leaving them unopened is a waste of money, or is it better if you ever want to sell them in the future?
  14. Did somebody say the this titty vinyl has 16 tracks? Sorry I’m trying to work at the same time and it’s hard to keep up on here too lol
  15. So does this mean the titty box set won’t be a thing, or should I wait for a possible box set?
  16. Man I don’t get paid until midnight tonight… you think it will still be there? I don’t want to miss out on this
  17. So this is the titty vinyl we were hoping for? It will be uncensored?
  18. Totally agree. A month wait even for an overseas magazine is pretty ridiculous.
  19. I forget, did you order through the site, or somewhere else?
  20. Never received my rolling stone magazine.. not sure what’s up with that
  21. I’ve tried so hard to get into Melanie Martinez, and I just can’t. Not sure what it is, but neither her music or aesthetic appeal to me. 😣 the visuals for her latest album…. Like no thanks, I’m good.
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