i think another part of how wondrous art is, is the interaction btwn it and the audience, and how reflective it usually is of the person interpreting the art. discourse da da da
she's a knowing, self-assured woman. the photo, even if the breast might entice some others among other things, is tasteful. and even if it wasn't, knowing her, there'd still be a purpose to it. is the forum ready to maturely talk about how the curtain billows might remind of ***?
i find the photo, oddly enough, romantic. the pose, the contrast of grays and blacks. contrast between textures. her form, the curves, the lines that direct her features and shape them. the casualness of the setting, the choice of lighting. if someone personally sent me something like this, i'd be admiring it for a good time trying to understand it fuller.
it looks like an articulate thirstrap, and it's perfect, bc it's balanced, nuanced, but at least for me, u can tell that there's a viper quality to it that even warns the viewer.
what i want to know is, how does this fit in w everything else? who's the message for primarily? how does it layer the music?