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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I wanted to create a thread explaining how celebrities/artists/ personalities got famous. Share below!
  2. I hope she makes some kind of album trailer/ visual where she's doing a home shopping channel bit and there's shirtless men advertising clues about the album, styled in the interview bathtub magazine
  3. I can still feel the pulses of the rest of the crowd it was honestly just. It was one of those perfect moments I wouldntve changed anything about it
  4. that would've been SOMETHING
  5. i feel like if i were in that situation I probably would've just befriended them and would've just vibed or something and maybe it would've been less tense. it can really depend on who you're around sometimes and some people can just be plain shitty but yeah she's a GREAT AMAZING performer it made me love the music even more, it really brought the experience to another level it was so so good
  6. yeah that happens sometimes
  7. RITE???? I was recording some parts of it but honestly just ended up shaking my phone all over and the video just captured how great it was, like immersive so so good
  8. I mean idk what to really say/ follow about the post above, I guess when it comes to concerts i'm just happy to be near the front n raise the vibes. Feel real fortunate to always meet nice people who treat me personally alrite some are even flirty n we just dance the event out and sing parts that we know. never been shoved nor shoved tapped some shoulders n gesture while smiling and they'd usually be nice and let me. I did have an experience when a bitchy gay actually tried doing the same to me but ended up grinding against me to get my attention when he looked back at me for whatever reason, the attitudes just switch so freakin quickly. sometimes u just have to be firm i guess and they stop my concert experience was amazing. i saved some video snippets on my phone to relive the moments just in case I wanted to relive them again. visions and party 4 u were momeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnts
  9. no way what i never really paid attention to it from before, but alrite i'm gonna go check it out when the nook team brings the shop in yes!
  10. it was my first time playing, but i was real proud of the setup til I started changing things, and the beaches were something I didn't really love at the start so that's what broke the tie. oh nice! I'll have to look that up when things are settled. I was wondering how the other players got to design the interiors of their villages, some of them looked so cozy, and mm that's a great bonus too. Nice! I love that, it sounds real calming and organized. my island before was more flower oriented, had different platforms and spread out houses around the island. had a gym, cafe area, spa and clubhouse, as well as a concert area, and outdoor dining area that i really loved. oh and a secret beach that i set up with a dancing area and secret club area around it. i loved the concepts and i'll probably implement them again somehow, but i'll probably have to use some rooms indoors instead so some parts of my island look untouched and blank. i want to get some custom designs and just download them. i don't think it'd be a practical for me to custom design items when i can just find something online, so gonna look into that later in the game. is that where you download the custom items? other players have these great panel items as well as custom flooring that i honestly don't think i'd be willing to recreate myself hahahahahahahaha
  11. It's actually my first time sorta playing the entire game, so i've never heard of that. is that later in the game, or a separate thing? i was watching island videos that kinda mentioned it before but was too preoccupied building at the time. i had Wolfgang, Pekoe and Fauna. Weren't my dreamies either, but those grew on me, oh and Teddy! I know what u mean, i'm waiting for the museum to be built and for 2 villagers to move in tmrw, but rite now, the island's just in it's natural state and it's so calming. i'm already planning on where things'll go to be a bit more mindful so i don't have to terraform/ move lots so much. i wish i had the entire catalog to buy, and the recipes! I got the Shell Arch from this penguin villager that I had a soft spot for, they gave me my first recipe and I loved it. I think this time around though, i'll have to simplify things a bit and then gradually just furnish the areas slowly to make it look more cohesive. my past island had a lot going on, and i think i'll do the same thing, but again, probably make it look a bit more uniform what ur island's style? I was looking up map formats of other islands and it's so useful to have ref points while building. some of the items look so plain even with them, and idk how to do custom downloads yet but i'll probably get to it when all the features are playable
  12. i wanted to try something new because when it came to resident services, it was kinda just a bit close and i disliked how it was eating up a lot space in my prev. setup. get how a closer one would work well to not do so, but i had an idea of having it a bit farther for a more exploratory feel on this one. feel a bit sad bc i remember all the recipes that past villagers gave to me, and especially some of the photos and actual villagers that I had to leave behind. so far it was pretty good, i actually got a bit ambitious and ended up getting my home setup the first day, as well gathered all the animals and materials to get a shop after tech getting ahead of myself and earning some nook miles to get the shovel for digging. i invited a villager to my island, but the next day, it seemed like it didn't really go through. that, and there was this cute female koala? bear that i wanted to invite but it was too early, but i hope i run into them in the game again, they fit the overall island feel what are the chances of that and also, the wetsuit was something u could already get, day 2, just need to get a ladder or something and already on the lookout for the other features.
  13. How it works is that someone names an action/ situation a celebrity and yourself would do together. So for example, go anything really w with Henry Cavill, or go exploring with Angelina Jolie. So first hypothetical situation: a celebrity you'd like to go dancing with:
  14. Lana working w an older man that's supposedly gay? We won, I think we all won, the universe's aligning perfectly rn
  15. I can’t be the only one thats sorta just chill regarding the next one rite? It feels like a lot’s been being heard around it/ or just an active social media presence, but it also just seems more like a transitory kind than anything serious, which is real great. I’m sure to some extent she’s always writing so there’s that, at this point, I’m real interested in the poetry actually being released. It just seems like the perfect thing to do at this time when I think about things from a collective schedule grasp And more soundtrack/ collab tracks A magazine/interview’s or other stuff’s always welcome tho
  16. I dont wanna get hyped til like maybe a couple of months when the lead comes out it feels too soon to be hyping us w older men rn
  17. i'm sure their industry politics are a lot different there then
  18. i was especially looking at Bom's career cus she seemed to be going thru it like the most especially w her manager kinda getting caught mistreating her so that was really great to see i think their group was kinda one of the pioneering kpop groups, so it's really great that they're getting the recognition that they deserve again, their management then just threw them under the bus
  19. i was just looking into the group's kinda shelving saga betrayal and discovered their music videos and it was so great to see them perform at coachella, they've got a real love for each other and u can tell the passion's still very much there
  20. i've been saying this from the start so i'm hoping that the poetry comes first and that also we get more film/ collaboration tracks before the next record she gets to release other stuff, while being able to form an album in the meantime w less opinions
  21. I just restarted my island earlier after trying to re-terraform. Didn't like the layout and moved into a new layout with resident services a bit farther from the airport. didn't know what i was walking into the first time but i'm thinking the new layout'll be easier to configure n build up from scratch
  22. Did Lanaboards move today or not so much? may the second book give beachy vibes
  23. Delete it fat poetry 2.0 i’m happy i’m happy
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