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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. white vinyl for bb she loves us she loves the gays
  2. idk im just so proud to be a fan wtf it's so good it's ok mama we know the truth so BREEZY
  3. Canada cmon dont do me like this like whhyyyyyyyYYYYYYYY
  4. Life Is beautiful and Cherry blossom was so satisfying bc all the naysayers were proven wrong I still relish that additionally w the music
  5. me acting like my copies will never come but its just cus they're not here yet
  6. this true fan business stinks of like attempted fan purging uhhhhh just let people enjoy what they want tf
  7. oh FR. i usually like doing things early to have things settled n dont need to think about it further, but then last time they sold signed versions etc
  8. excuse me a bit for being sentimental here but ohmygod. the way cotcc was kinda like a resting period album, but having her connection to family sorta as a focus on the prev album, to her being able to better define her family and support system on BB. so so good. she's really grown from her new york hustler from BTD to BB. im shaking my head from how wholesome this all is it's so good.
  9. I would really love more time to enjoy BB, and have her take some time too, so maybe in the meantime, a b-sides/ live performance set album would be fucking amazing
  10. I gotta admit i miss that weird synth from the leaked version for dealer. im thinking if she were to release videos she'd probably just release them w no announcement like hope, or we'd have to wait a longer time post covers album. i actually think this just might be my most favorite Lana record. undoubtedly actually. the yellow cover's been growing so much on me, it just connects and for me at least, reps the overall feel of the record. i think intuitively, listening to the album the first few times i already got how things connected and it was just so powerful, and what's better about it is that the music on this one just seems like it was made for some kind of eternity, it has a feel of being eternal. it's gentle, it's flowing, but still leaves a kind of imprint. i'd love some more music from Lana ofc, but I think it'd be alright if this was her last album as her own artist/ Lana Del Rey. It feels like she's already said all that she's wanted to say with her career (at least so far?). the point is, the album's strangely contenting and powerfully fresh and overall, serene. I feel very proud to have this on my shelf when the vinyl finally gets to me
  12. n if this is the end i wanna bf sumone to eat ice cream w n watch television
  13. definitely. i actually love cloudy weather cus we hardly get it down here, but it's more of a highlight if anything so i welcome it. and thanks ahahahahaha
  14. i think it's really about being able to control bc people don't like what they can't readily understand/ haven't seen before. n the collective sorta just defeats itself cus the world is pretty messed up, so good things are kinda well put down. hope is dangerous and tiring thing. it's a whole journey of lots of flashes and can get really confusing and easy to get lost in, and at the scale that she's had to overcome, it's not an easy feat, but she has or at least is. i think bottomline, it really is important for a person to be able to be self-aware and know themselves to change to be better before wanting to change the entire world first. another reason why i like her as an artist is that she respects the concepts and importance of emotion. sometimes losing a good thing is the only way of knowing what was once had, it brings a lot more clarity. i do think from a subconscious level that the album's real great for society yeah, at social commentary for putting your best foot and face forward. i think it's beyond ego too, it's, filling an actual need, essential. n yeah I defo agree, I see a lot more serenity if anything and if so, i'm real extra happy for her
  15. was listening to this album with the cloudy weather, fall-time. tears. the arcadia vids and the title track's really fleshed out another dimension of bb the song and album. i hope we get more performance vids, and maybe contro-opinion but i'd really love more homemade vids. even if it was later, a trailer too. it just crowns an album imo
  16. I think she wanted to be loved for who she is, not what was defined of her, and in that process, she explored more of herself and realized that that's what's more important to have. how with things can be stripped away, she knows that her soul will always be happier and shine through. it can be difficult to sort of define yourself as a person alone, especially when ur used to being defined as someone's other instead of just yourself. I think the album definitely does a great job of assessing those deficiences/missing things and in the end she still chose to be able to love, even if her loyalty wasn't returned and she herself wasn't appreciated.
  17. i mean Lana influenced both of them so idk why theyre acting so high
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