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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. uhhhhh we got taylor literally jacking lana's stuff wildest dreams etc etc i think we all know which the more seasoned classic will be mhm
  2. there's a voooooooooid n a vacuuuuuuuuuum for pop music awards shows TV EXECS hurry up n fill it now's ur time to be part of the cuuuultureeeeeeeeeeeee that or imrpove ur standards bc no one's having it anymore
  3. ya got a thundabird mah daddy had one too lets rewrite history i'll do this dance wit u
  4. they used her n humiliated her, just how they used billie more or less for relevance but honestly the show's been rusting they either need some kind of rebranding or just have the show changed/ have a new one take it's place bc the prestige just isn't there anymore.
  5. soz was ooooouttttttttt im back imma crash now zzzzzzzzz
  6. Nah I tried many times to being diplomatic but I was just dismissed so u know what this is kinda funny. Especially cus its completely serendipitous. To the mods I’ve made friends w, I respect and do still consider u guys friends, so forgive me for this, but this is larger n this is all so fuckin hilarious ‘specially when I’ve been tryna work towards a middle ground but just got silence. n as diplomatic as I can be among the other facets that reflect off my cuts imma be petty for once n say that i’m fuckin laughin from the hysteriaaaaaaaaaaa
  7. IM FUCKIN HOWLIIIIIIIIIING also as a gifer this makes me smile ty
  8. Like Also, I’m manifesting an announcement this weekend le’ goooooooooo
  9. i've been saying all of this stuff since like last year or something so i'm actually kinda happy that it's being discussed n i don't even have an alt account or whatever n didn't have to say anything to anyone so it's really like a nice full circle moment, an LB cultural change #underdog #ijustwantedtogif
  10. I can't like that nah hahahahahahaha the album cover'll just be their family tree w all her sisters etched on one of the stair's floorboards or maybe another group photo but they're huddled by the stairs
  11. I made one of those hype threads before in the lana thoughts section before and it was just deleted w/o debate
  12. I really do hope she comes thru w the unreleased set and AKA ahhhhhhhhhh, at least some kind of updated anniversary release or smth
  13. father son n house of gucci im livin for the chaotic neutral energy towards the end yesss
  14. objectively i think it's just the funniest thing in how if she's comm'ing w everyone this way, that it's just funny she's like sending face emojis thru her friends ahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. what the critics deserve are ear wax treatments. non-company paid ofc
  16. Ohmygod is that JENNY!!! Equal friendship queen
  17. The rando lana disc. thread is like the black hole where many of my beautiful posts for the sake of thread sprucing n seasoning have been willingly thrust into the vast nothingness of it to die. Where is the fun. Where is the implied meaning? The way this thread can lack flirt is dishonorable to lana's playful side n the playful side of life. Why be an unripe cantelope when u can be a dragonfruit. Or a mango. Also we want the tracklist
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