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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. idfk what's going on but i mean w how amy's father was rumored to milk her stuff for money, w just the fact that if i worked real hard w my art to being representative of being myself i wouldn't want anyone fucking w previous material thru their focus as if it were my own. or take even britney n how she was betrayed by those closest to her while she's living it says, enjoy me while u can don't fuck w the xeroxes of me when u could've appreciated me before.
  2. microwaving cheese n flirting w car salesmen for sierra madre test drives
  3. whatchaaaaa dont tell no oooone you can tell meeeeeeeee
  4. remember the rail fucks era of this pre release. and now it's in it's resting big mountain boobs era but when is the release era
  5. oh also i came here to just post sierra madre arcadia big boobs so im doing that now LA randrover toyota arcadia
  6. ughhhh thing is Beyonce's got an EXCELLENT IMMACULATE work ethic, is incredibly disciplined and actually has the vocal tech specs that do deserve respect. trained well, a BRILLIANT vocalist, dances impeccably, and ALWAYS looks incredible. she's legendary. idk how much she writes for her tracks, or whatever people find fault w her for but she's great. personally, I think her voice seems a bit cold or stiff and it can be a bit difficult to relate to her as readily sometimes bc she keeps this perfect persona most of the time. there's more personable ways to feel empowered and I do think her music does it well so easily, but it can get a bit tiring after sometimes. her music's like a cannon that many people love, but also many other people didn't specifically ask for until it just drops to the public. She's the personification of her excellent team, the earlier stars that actually TRADITIONALLY DESERVE to be at the level of success she's at because of all these things. She's a TRUE FORCE and the closest thing to honestly what a conventional goddess rapper diva there is. That's what she can symbolize at her peak. Tho everyone's got shit tier fans so idk why anyone'd wanna be part of that. idk why everyone's discussing her on here as if she's collabing w Lana or something tho. maybe it's how strangely enough both Lana and Beyonce are very precise and delicate w handling their business and what they put of with their music more or less? I'd rather not see Lana collab w either Billie or Olivia. I kinda see them as her music children if that makes sense. the former's soph album apparently flopped, and Olivia seems to be following a Paramore flavored Taylor Swift direction atm and it'd just seem like the strangest, and said w the sake of a benefit of a doubt for the later part of their careers to be something early for either of them to.
  7. this is what happens when u dont have banisters just sayin
  8. it's actually the sound of her roasting all ur trash opinions
  9. her sierra madre boobs not having it rn or accepting hikers atm don't bother them
  10. imma wait til some of ya'll are eventually disappointed or tired of the map of la song to then say that bb is the better album title
  11. Ok but w that theory green can be an alien baby but wtf is gray supposed to be
  12. Ya’ll gotta think more dramatically n iconically I think of a grand entrance shakespeare theatricality the symbolism of the ups downs and in betweens of life being guided respectfully not led as the banisters are at the side. and also rail fucks that is why blue banisters is the perfect album title
  13. Cypress trees beautiful men phallic pillars big boopie sierra madre the microwaved cheese its all making sense
  14. hmm idk about sirens but aka: around that era her unreleased's just too vast, but from the actual album, smarty btd: DMD paradise: G&M uv: god coast hm: can't decide freak/hbtb lfl: lfl's demo nfr: MAC cocc: white dress
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