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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. target don't let us down hoooneeeeeeey also. Hoping the alt cover's a gatefold too.
  2. Wait, is the one from the worldwide shippin insinuating a target release? bc that'd make a lot of sense. shipping hmmmm
  3. I just need a way to get the red, waiting for uo. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat HOW THE FUCK IS THE AMAZON ONE SOLD OUT ALREADY
  4. there's this thing that I've been reading about reactive abuse and it just gets me thinking about how things can be on the internet, especially w celebrities. I understand what she's trying to say past the dressings (yeah a little more in need of refinement, it's just this age it'd be wiser to). she's always said she's been influenced by hip hop a branch of music pre-dominantly black from earlier on, worked w some (something of course that I'd think she takes seriously, quote how she fights labels). she's just trying to say she's with us (LFL, notes from the forum, fan presents in the form of additional music, to a degree her poetry), supportive of social issues, but she has to do it in her own way, not because someone's dictating her on the internet. it can be irksome having all these people figuratively breathe down your neck, saying how things should be done, it's like a normal person would say, "wtf, I'm doing what I can, you don't know me and what i've already done?" it just so happens that fame already accelerates that intensity by so-much-fold. how would you react if you were in that position? when ur intentions are good, doing things to support the causes that you believe in and fall in line w what people have been talking about her for (action). to have ur every move picked apart when you're already trying. back to society and trying to be a good citizen can already be so complex enough, I can understand how all that heat can cause her to only stick to her own set of values, especially w how things find her. it's a kind of policing that doesn't mean much, but just cause chaos, and for what? brownie points? so u can do ur social justice roll call? I understand how important it is, very much, and to stick for what's right, and especially to defend the people that need help care and love. but doing so isn't just the jobs for those w platforms, it's also up to us as individuals. you don't karate chop a drunk friend after a night out. you get them a blanket, you drive them home, you let them rest, get them some carbs etc. yeah you sass em a little for getting so fucked up, be a little proud of em but make it digestable thru honest checks, but lightheartedly. it takes a lot of care and love, and an unfortunate level of understanding that sometimes the other party doesn't deserve, but we do it anyway, bc we can't just keep divided. we're all human at the end of the day, and we need to respect that. lately all i've been witnessing is the karate chopping, and not sticking around to care for the person to make progress, or snapping back. with all relationships and interactions that you're going to flip back from, it's important to make sure that you leave a good impression, and that you're there for them to improve. if given the chance to, to do a job well, not just rushed and expect flowers the very next day. we're all healing from different kinds of hurt, but the strong ones are usually the ones who understand, check the other side, and nurture them to a joint understanding and connection. so there's peace love and understanding between them both. you just get more hate with hate. we need to understand that love and following thru together is what we need as people, thru little gestures, acts, nurture. but we also need to learn to accept those and meet someone where they're at, so they can continue growing because everyone's gonna fail, but at least they're trying. and it's not fair, or maybe even right, but we have to at least try and move forward with them. or else nothing's gonna change. before anyone tags me. I've gone thru so much in life already, even in my younger age. i've found safety in my life, only just a few years ago, what a family is, even just a lot more recently. and even then. sometimes it feels like a dream. I do what I can to see thru people and figure out what they really mean. statistically me being here? not good. I pushed thru w tears, not because I looked at myself first, and was honestly just confused af bc of personal circumstances i couldn't help before. but we have to push thru with love, that's what kept me going. trauma's only just gonna get worse w each blow.was it fair I ask myself? no. but there hopefully comes a point to when that threshhold of pain is over exceeded. and you decide. you can't be that person that goes into the statistic. you have to do better. for yourself. and to hopefully show others that it's at least possible. bc really, some don't even know that, and I think it's just the most horrible thing. example. thru example. hope everyone does something for someone else today. not to get anything out of it, but because we need more of that in this world. not just thru the net. physically. I get her good intentions spiel because it really does do a lot. a nod, opening the door, a little conversation to ease awkwardness.what more, the more refined acts? doing something this cold world might not expect to the point of making it mythology. cold screens won't always do that.
  5. well lol this is awkward. don't worry don't worry c u guys in a week
  6. nothing personal but Sylvia's thee most rambunctious specter this fandom'd known. like even more than Casper
  7. I think that it's just at least a little fair to say that when she says awhile, w her pattern of hardly showing up for things, that that equates to something lengthier. and personally it's fine. she came out w a book, finished a record and starting another book, but I understand what that might mean for others too. maybe she'll pull fiona apple type patterns that other might like who knows best case scenario are the months that'll pass for the record, if it's coming farther off
  8. b4 some might spiral imma just mention that we already knew this might've not been as aware but we already knew. this. she told us waay back last year it'll b ok.
  9. her book is the usual next album title mention is what i'm hearing
  10. Earlier this thread I've been saying this so many times and not directed to you, but I remember someone comment snickered, but yesss it might be a definite possibility. I'm all for her doing her own thing, like it matters anyway, but truly. I wish she'd do a little promo for the record when it comes out tho. Some live studio performances or something. videos. I don't really think that her poetry atm is outshining her music, but I still do like reading what she has to say. I just wish she did more for her music too. wouldn't that be great? just some merch to remember the album by n etc.
  11. lfl was tech for us but a lot of people shat on it (hey lfl love ya btw)
  12. seriously thoooo pins, maybe rings, a charmbracelet/anklet
  13. I'd love some kind of tea cup n saucer. I know everyone's going this route w the makeup, but honestly, a Lana lip gloss. engraved pens/ letter openers; floral decorated Angel designed earphones/ earrings
  14. But did she really wanna go swimming in topanga w him tho? Did she really? Like. Things in the past are meant to b in the past, so it’s like. Did u still want to party? Sure ok we could do that but i’d rather not is what I always vibed w the song. something i never knew I wanted. She was already disconnected from it I always think
  15. idk maybe bc i connected w it that i got the track more or w/e but i definitely think it works so well w the album. so so sooo well. i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who loves vapid lyric Lana, and I always attributed that to some kind of sorta sardonic mischief.
  16. I would love to dance to the chromaticoreos missGa wta? shiny n i know it dont know why u wanna u blow it need a man who likes it rough likes it rough bb likes it rough is it bc u dont mean it or bc i dont feel it less its rough the faaaaaaaame still slaps
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